Delta variant: Israel’s concern over Regis …


Israel outdated today for the first time in months the hundred positive covid in full progressive increase in cases with over 90 percent infected with Delta variant, of which 40 percent were vaccinated.

The country, with more than nine million inhabitants, had practically returned to normal and a week ago it canceled the obligation to wear a mask indoors with a morbidity rate at the lowest since April.

This Tuesday, the Ministry of Health reported 105 new infections in the last 24 hours, increasing the positivity rate from 0.1 to 0.3 percent. In total, 397 cases are active with 51 people hospitalized, including 24 in serious condition including 18 connected to ventilators.

The data, although still weak, worries Israeli authorities about the trend and new Prime Minister Naftalí Benet this week approved a reinforcement to control the compulsory quarantine of those returning from abroad without vaccinations, as well as controls at Ben Gurion International Airport.

In addition, the Ministry of Health yesterday recommended “firmly” vaccination among minors between 12 and 15 years after the outbreaks detected in two cities of the country which forced the closure of schools.

More than 5.1 million people in Israel received both doses since the start of the rapid vaccination campaign at the end of December and infections have declined considerably, causing most restrictions to be lifted.

In mid-April, the exterior mask was no longer compulsory and from June 15, indoors, With a few exceptions such as airports, retirement homes and social welfare institutions.

The entry of foreigners with a tourist visa, banned since March 2020, was eased at the end of May, when it began to allow the entry of organized groups with vaccinated tourists.

From July 1, the country intends to allow access to vaccinated tourists arriving individually.

Given the increase in cases due to the Delta variant, predominant in Israel, Health will consider further restrictions although the national pandemic coordinator, Nachman Ash, clarified that “unnecessary measures that could affect the confidence of the population “will not be taken.


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