Delta variant of Covid-19 has arrived in Argentina, WHO warns of lethality


A day after it was confirmed in Argentina that a man arriving from abroad was infected with the Delta variant of the coronavirusThe World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that this strain has the potential to be more deadly than others, is faster in transmission, and puts vulnerable people at greater risk.

“Is The Delta variant is faster, more efficient, will attack the most vulnerable more effectively than the previous ones and if there are vulnerable people who are not vaccinated, they are more at risk, ”the site reported. UN News. The WHO Emergency Director, Michael ryan, lamented the “catastrophic moral failure“Which means not having vaccinated the highest risk population in all countries.

In that sense, he added, “All of these variants are fatal, but this one has more potential because it is more effective in transmission and will eventually find people who will become seriously ill, be hospitalized and may die. We can protect these vulnerable people now. “

Covid-19: the Delta variant was detected in an Argentinian who arrived from the United States

WHO has recognized that no country has “excess” vaccines, but clarified that solidarity consists in giving them, not when they are in surplus, but once health personnel, the elderly and the population at risk have been vaccinated. For his part, the agency’s senior advisor, Bruce aylward, he said that “If we wait for them to save, they will never be given”.

The epidemiologist at the head of the response to the coronavirus, Maria Van Kherkove, insisted that the vaccines remain effective against all variants, but pointed out that in order to obtain the maximum protection it is necessary receive the full immunization schedule, i.e. the two doses of vaccines that require it.

“Vaccines have been very effective so far, but there may be a constellation of mutations that make them lose their effectivenessHe said, after which he insisted that the most important thing is to stop the transmission of the virus.

What is the delta variant of Covid-19, originating in India and detected in Argentina

Gamaleya says Sputnik V vaccine protects against all variants of Covid

Russian vaccine Sputnik V protects against “all known variants” coronavirus, including Delta, responsible for a virulent wave of covid-19 in Russia, said Monday, June 21, its creator and director of the center Gamaleya, Alexandre Guintsbourg.

He also stated that the double injection of this drug “protects against all currently known variants, from the British variant to the Delta variant, the Indian variant. “

This strain, considered to be more contagious, is at the origin of a 90% of new infections recorded in Moscow, according to its mayor Sergei Sobyanin. The capital is the epicenter of the second wave of the virus in Russia and has broken daily infection records since the start of the pandemic.

Guintsbourg’s declarations aim to boost the flickering vaccination campaign in Russia, which flows into the mistrust and reluctance of its population.


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