Delta variant of COVID-19 puts Europe and summer in northern hemisphere under control


The very contagious Delta variant now represents nearly 40% of new COVID-19 infections in France, said government spokesman Gabriel Attal, warning that he could put Danger in the boreal summer if a fourth wave of the epidemic develops.

Attal said continuing the vaccination campaign is the best way to prevent a return to severe restrictions on movement and socialization. He also urged questionable citizens to get their fix.

The proportion of the Delta variant has doubled every week for the past three weeks, from 10% of infections three weeks ago to 20% last week and 40% this week, he said.

This variant is dangerous and fast and wherever it is present, it can spoil the summer (boreal)“Attal said at a press conference.

Attal said COVID-19 infection rates are increasing in 11 metropolitan areas and the situation is rapidly deteriorating in the Ile-de-France region around Paris, with infection rates nearly doubling during the week last. . “We are getting more and more warning signs and we could see the same trajectory as in some neighboring countries,” he said.

Cases in the UK are increasing, while in Spain and Portugal the acceleration in the infection rate is already forces the authorities to impose new restrictions, as curfew measures.

Senior ministers will meet on Monday to discuss the threat of a fourth wave and Attal said the government is considering all possible scenarios, including the possible compulsory vaccination of health workers.

The Delta variant in Argentina

The Delta variant of the coronavirus is already in Argentina. The government could maintain restrictions on Argentine tourists who are abroad in an attempt to prevent the spread of the new strain of COVID-19 in the country.

Last Friday two passed who entered the country were confirmed as positive cases of the Delta variant coronavirus. Migration sources have confirmed the news and it is about two people: one who traveled to Miami and another to Venezuela, via Colombia.

One case is a 40-year-old from the United States that on the seventh day of isolation, a PCR swab was taken again, which was positive and the sample was then sequenced at the Malbrán Institute. The other person from Venezuela via Colombia He also got on the plane with a negative PCR and when he arrived in the country he started having symptoms two days later.

Meanwhile, health experts from the Ministry of Health insist that despite the initial negative antigen test, it is very important to maintain administrative isolation at the top and perform a PCR swab on the seventh day.

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