Delta variant of the coronavirus: 7 new infections have been detected and there are already 29 cases in Argentina | Of the total, 28 people were infected abroad and one through contact with a traveler


With the confirmation of seven new cases, the Nation’s Department of Health reported that the country is already accumulating 29 detections of the Delta variant of the coronavirus: 28 of them have a history of international travel, while one corresponds to a person with an epidemiological link with one of the travelers. The news of the increase in cases with this type of variant was announced on the same day that Argentina surpassed the 40 million doses of vaccines against covid-19.

As stated in a statement from the Health portfolio, seven new cases were confirmed on Thursday of the Delta variant, after analyzes carried out by the National Administration of Laboratories and Institutes of Health (ANLIS) Malbrán. People diagnosed with this virus mutation have been reported to have arrived from United States, Spain, Holland, Mexico, Montenegro, Panama, France and Venezuela. In only one case is it a person who has not traveled, but has been in contact with a traveler.

“It should be noted that of the 29 positive cases for Delta, 28 have a history of international travel, while one corresponds to a case having an epidemiological link with one of the travelers,” said the Ministry of Health.

Regarding people with a travel history, 32% were detected in the testing device at the entry of the country (9 cases) and 68% (19 cases) were positive during their isolation due to an onset of symptoms or performing the PCR test on the seventh day of isolation.

The circulation of the Delta variant in different countries being known, generating a new epidemiological improvement, Argentina took extreme measures and took care to limit the entry into the country of this type of variant. The mass vaccination campaign and the closure of borders to tourism are the two important measures the government is maintaining to try to stop its spread.

A few hours before the new cases were confirmed, the Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, He stressed that although the entry of the variant is delayed, “sooner or later it is a possibility”, therefore “it is very important to continue to maintain care and that those returning from abroad do the same. ‘isolation and PCR’. The Deputy Minister of Health of Buenos Aires, Nicolas kreplak, he assured that “there is still no community circulation of the Delta variant” in the country and noted that “the game is played at the borders”.

The 40 million

The good news of the day was that, as Minister Vizzotti had argued, Argentina has exceeded 40 million vaccines received to immunize, with at least one dose, 50 percent of the population. With the arrival of an Aerolineas Argentinas flight from China with a new shipment of Sinopharm vaccines, Argentina has exceeded 40.6 million doses received.

“Today, we exceed 40 million doses and 45% of people over 70 have completed their vaccination schedule,” said the minister. “Unlike other countries, Argentina relies a lot on vaccines”Vizzotti stressed, adding: “We are already in 50 percent of the population vaccinated with at least one dose and from now on it starts to depend on the demand of the population to increase that percentage.”

The Minister of Health explained that administering the second dose to those who need to complete their immunization schedule and sending new shifts to the younger population to begin immunization “These are parallel things.” “Vaccination schedules continue to be started, but second doses are administered simultaneously to supplement the schedules of those most at risk, which is relevant to offer the best possible protection against the risk of circulation of the Delta variant “explained the official.


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