Delta variant spreads in China | The capital, Beijing, recorded its first cases in six months


The latest covid-19 outbreak, although in small numbers, is spreading to several provinces in China, including Beijing, authorities said Thursday, which are facing the Delta variant. China, where COVID-19 was first detected in late 2019, virtually stopped the epidemic in the spring of 2020. But The latest outbreak, located in Nanjing (east) on July 20, is the one that has spread the most geographically in the country in recent months.

It was first detected in nine employees of the airport of the former “southern capital”. Now I know infections recorded in 171 people in Jiangsu province, bordering Shanghai, and in at least four other provinces. Most of those infected had been vaccinated, Jiangsu officials said, raising the Concerns regarding the efficacy of Delta variant vaccines.

Most populous country in the world administered 1.6 billion doses (only made in China) but it is not known how many inhabitants are vaccinated with all the necessary doses. The objective is to vaccinate 65% of the population (1,400 million inhabitants) before the end of the year.

Infections have also been recorded on both sides of its border with Burma. In Jiangsu, authorities have confined hundreds of thousands of residents, said Lu Jing, a senior official with the provincial epidemiological services.“In Nanjing, internet cafes, gymnasiums, cinemas, karaoke bars and even libraries have been closed.he told reporters.

The metropolis has already tested its more than 9.2 million inhabitants twice and launched a third detection campaign on Wednesday, the city council said. The densely populated southwestern province of Sichuan reported three cases Thursday and Beijing two, the first in six months in the capital.

In the center of the capital The Legendale hotel was closed following the discovery of an imported case. Thursday, employees in protective gear disinfect the surroundings of the establishment using sprayers.


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