Delta variant: Sputnik V retains more than 90% efficiency | “It slightly decreases the activity of the serum”


the Gamelaya Center confirmed that the efficacy of Sputnik V against the Delta variant is “greater than 90 percent”, that is, it is superior to that of vaccines prepared by other laboratories which have published results against this strain.

It means that people immunized with this vaccine have the highest protection against the consequences that contagion with the Indian variant could trigger in their body which has raised alarms around the world, due to its high degree of contagion and lethality.

This was announced by the deputy director of research at the Gamaleya Center and one of those who led the development of the Russian vaccine, Denis logunov, via a tweet posted on the vaccine distribution account.

“Sputnik V is very effective against the Delta variant, first identified in India, and shows the best protection results among all vaccines that have published results on the Delta variant.”remarked the scientist.

Thus, the vaccine from the Gamaleya Center Not only is it still the most effective against SarsCov 2 due to its 97.6% effectiveness against the virus, but also the most resistant against the most dangerous variant known to date., above the Manaus and Great Britain strains.

However, its effectiveness against this mutation is lower than that of the original virus that triggered the pandemic.

Logunov indicated that the percentage of protection “is greater than 90 percent”, that is, “Shows less decrease in effectiveness” against the original virus. Even so, he repeated, this level of vaccination is even higher than “any other vaccine that has published efficacy results on the Delta variant.”

What at this moment The efficacy of the Russian vaccine is estimated to be 2.6% lower. In other words, the Indian variant “slightly lowers serum activity,” he explained.

Delta variant vaccines

Until now few laboratories have published the results that show how well your vaccines are working. One of them is Pfizer which, according to the most prestigious scientific journals, has decreased a 3 percent its effectiveness against the Delta variant.

Instead, the vaccine developed by Moderna reduced its efficiency by 5% before the strain originated in India, and that of AstraZeneca has lowered its average efficiency to 70 percent, as reported by international agencies.

Legunov and the director of the Gamaleya center, Alexandr Gintsburg, pointed out that one of the reasons for a new comprehensive study of Sputnik V was the very high occurrence of infections in Delta in Russia.

The Ministry of Health has developed recommendations for the booster or the booster dose to be administered once every six months in the event of a rebound in the disease and once a year when the epidemic is “calm”.


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