demanded “to extinguish the fuse of anti-Semitism”


In his most determined intervention in Budapest, where he stayed only seven hours before traveling to Slovakia, the Pope warned that “the threat of anti-Semitism winds in Europe “and” it is a fuse to be extinguished “addressed to the Hungarian religious leaders.

Shortly before, he had met Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, leader of European sovereignists and hostile to opening up to immigrants, for 40 minutes. Orbán later wrote on his Facebook site in a controversial manner that he had asked the pontiff “Do not let the Hungarian Christians perish.”

That of Orbán, champion of the nationalist supremacists of the European Union of the 27 countries, who produce dangerous fractures in the Old Continent, it was a real provocation because the existence of Hungarian Christians is not in danger. Unless Orbán’s positions and actions against immigration from poor countries or countries at war are accepted.

The meeting with Hungarian religious leaders at the Museum of Fine Arts was an ecumenical gathering in which he spoke of the resurgence of outbreaks of hatred and anti-Semitism. He met with Christian representatives representing the 54% of the population, of which 30% are Catholic.

Pope Francis in Budapest.  AFP photo

Pope Francis in Budapest. AFP photo

Francis told them that he appreciated that the various denominations in Hungary, including Lutherans and Calvinists, “Have united to tear down the walls separation from the past ”.


He warned them that these walls have been erected many times in history. “We must be vigilant and pray that they do not happen, promoting education for fellowship.” Demand “Put out the wick” of the anti-Semitism that winds its way in Europe and elsewhere.

The totally opposed positions between the Pope and Orbán were highlighted in the message that Francis launched during the mass in the Heroes’ Square in Budapest, after having pronounced the Angelus. He told the Hungarians not to lock up and open up “to the thirsty of our time”, in the presence of Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

Hungary is the European country which receives fewer refugees and that it makes more immigrant returns.

Pope Francis only spent seven hours in Hungary.  AFP photo

Pope Francis only spent seven hours in Hungary. AFP photo

“Religious sentiment is the cornerstone of this nation, so tied to its roots. But the cross planted in the ground, in addition to inviting us to take root well, lifts and extends its arms to everyone. I urge you to keep your roots firm, but without shutting yourself in; resort to open sources open up to the thirsty of our time ”.

“My wish,” he said to the Hungarians, “is that they be like that: earthed and open, rooted and respectful ”.

The Pope who went to Budapest to close the International Eucharistic Congress, put your health to the test after the 33-centimeter bowel removal operation due to infectious diverticulitis he suffered on July 4. He was seen in good condition and made only one allusion, after one of his speeches: “Excuse me I spoke sitting down, I am not 15 years old.”

The meeting of the government entourage at the Museum of Fine Arts lasted 40 minutes. There was President Janos Ader and Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who is a Calvinist Protestant, accompanied by his Catholic wife.

No meeting

The Vatican describes as “cordial” the meeting with the Hungarian leaders. “Among the various topics discussed is the role of the Church in the country, the commitment to the protection of the environment, the protection and promotion of the family.”

Pope refused to grant Orban a personal hearing as wished by the head of government and he did not go to Hungary for an apostolic tour but for the closing. the traditional International Eucharistic Congress, reducing its presence to a few hours.

Pope he did not stop alluding to the far-right ideas of Orbán and its unceremonious persecution of immigrants. During the Angelus that he prayed after the closing Mass of the Congress, attended by 75,000 people, Francis said that “the Cross is food against the lack of feelings”.

François still insists on asking governments to welcome refugees fleeing poverty, regardless of their religion.

But in Hungary, part of the Catholic faithful and a large number of priests and bishops share Orbán’s ideas. against immigrants, especially Muslims.

The Pope will visit four cities in Slovakia and return to Rome on Wednesday afternoon.



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