Democratic Tsunami, the mysterious platform that organizes demonstrations in Catalonia


Government still investigating group leaders who broadcast their messages on Telegram Credit: AP

BARCELONA.- "Do you want me to translate it?" Says a young Catalan woman
THE NATION. Judit asks for her sister's phone number, which is part of a small group of Independent Independents who have access to information about
events in Barcelona.

"Grow the tsunami! Do you already have the application? Start the adventure by looking for someone with a QR code to activate it. In your environment or on the street you will find it We are always in the street, take advantage of these moments to find the QR codes among the people you trust.The next action will only be announced when many of us use the application. "

Tomás Marcó del Pont in Catalonia for LN +


This was the message that was broadcast yesterday afternoon in the social network group Telegram "Tsunami Democratic". It is the only platform chosen by the separatists to avoid the leaks in the organization of the demonstrations that shake Catalonia after the war.
condemns 12 separatist leaders.

According to police sources, the platform for promoting street demonstrations was born at the summit of the main secessionist leaders in Geneva in early September. Former President of the Caritas Puigdemont Generalitat, exiled in Belgium, and his deputy Quim Torra, as well as members of various independent groups, were present.

Radical demonstrations in Catalonia
Radical demonstrations in Catalonia Source: Reuters

Spanish Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska said he was investigating the leader of the Democratic Tsunami and was trusting the intelligence services. "We will finally know who is behind these movements," he said.

One of the first major public appearances of this group took place at Camp Nou, a small alert of what they would generate. The first major action occurred the day before yesterday when thousands of people collapsed at El Prat Airport in protest. While many citizens were cutting off the main avenues, the democratic tsunami summoned the Catalans to block the main access to the city, where riots with the police were generated.

Yesterday, over the hours, many protesters found themselves in different places in the center of Barcelona. But suddenly, everyone went to the same place. What happened? More than 125,000 people received the message on their Telegram platform to find out where the heart of the event would be. Around 7 pm (local time), thousands of separatists settled in front of the government delegation and cut Paseo de Gracia, one of the main avenues of the city, under the eyes of the Mossos. Esquadra, who had already acted. last night.

As time passed, the time was tense and the police attacked the protesters. There were racing, fainting, rubber bullets and desperation. Chairs, bicycles, fences and other items were set alight in the face of police repression. Even an older lady was hit by a club. The emergency medical system reported that there were 74 wounded, no serious: 37 in Barcelona, ​​19 in Girona, eight in Tarragona, eight in Lleida and two in Sabadell.

Major events are expected in the coming days. The "March for Freedom", convened by the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) and Amnium Cultural, will begin today. There will be five marches that will last three days and will each cover 100 kilometers from the interior of Catalonia until arriving tomorrow in Barcelona, ​​where a gigantic demonstration is planned.



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