Democrats call for the dismissal of Donald Trump for Russiagate – 20/04/2019


Donald TrumpAttacked on Saturday against the special prosecutor Robert Mueller and a group of Democrats that he has accused of "hateful", after opposition lawmakers have stepped up pressure for a political dismissal of the US president for having tried to impede justice in relation to succeed.

"Although the Mueller report in the first place should not have been allowed because it was written in the most unpleasant way by 13 angry Democrats who are real enemies of Trump, including Bob Mueller, the end result "The witch hunt in the history of the United States is that there has been no collusion or obstruction," badured the president on Twitter.

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Trump's message on his favorite social network comes after Democratic Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren called Friday the House of Representatives to begins impeachment proceedings against Trump for "serious" revelations in Russian conspiracy report.

"The seriousness of his misconduct requires that the elected officials of both sides put aside political considerations and fulfill their constitutional duty, which means that the House should prosecute the President of the States. States, "the senator wrote. in your Twitter account.

Although the Mueller report was not originally authorized and that it was drafted as cruelly as possible by 13 angry Democrats who were true Trump Haters, including the highly conflicted Bob Mueller himself , the final result is No Collusion. No obstruction!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 20, 2019

The end result of the biggest witch hunt in the United States political history is without collusion with Russia (and without obstruction). Pretty amazing!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 20, 2019

Warren highlighted the revelations of the report prepared by the special prosecutor Robert Mueller, released Thursday, in which several episodes of Trump are collected to hinder the investigation on the possible conspiracy with Russia in the 2016 elections.

The senator said Mueller's document details Russia's attempts to elect Trump to the presidency and how the current president "hailed the aid" and "then blocked the investigation".

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"Ignoring repeated efforts to obstruct an investigation into their own unjust conduct would inflict considerable and lasting harm on our country, and I would suggest that current and future presidents be free to abuse their power in the same way" Warren added.

The Committee on Legal Affairs of the House of Representatives on Friday released a quote for the full report of Prosecutor Mueller on Russia's interference in the 2016 US elections, while Congress expanded its investigation into President Trump .

Democrats have a majority in the House of Representatives, where the impeachment process should begin, but its president, Nancy Pelosi, has left great distances as to the consequences of this measure and its consequences for the presidential election of 2020, in which Trump will seek re-election.

Fake News Media is doing its utmost to anger the voters and as many people as possible rarely mentions the fact that the Mueller report had as its main conclusion the fact that there was NO COLLUSION WITH RUSSIA. The hoax of Russia is dead!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 20, 2019

This Saturday, in addition to attacking the Democrats on Twitter, the president accused the media of doing everything in his power to cause irritation and that this has an impact on the polls.

Other Democratic candidates for the candidacy, such as former Texas State Congressman, Beto O. Rourke, avoided speaking out and stressed that this was part of the responsibility of federal legislators.

Mueller explains in his report the evolution of his investigations into the alleged link between Trump's electoral team and Russia in the campaign for the 2016 presidential election and the alleged obstruction to the justice by the president.

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However, the special prosecutor concludes that there was "no sufficient evidence to support criminal charges"They are linked to the "numerous contacts between individuals linked to the Russian government" and the Trump campaign, but raise doubts about a possible obstruction of justice.

Mueller said Trump's efforts "to influence the investigation had been largely unsuccessful", largely because people in his environment were refusing to follow or to accede to their demands.

Possible episodes of irregularities will now be discussed in the House of Representatives, dominated by Democrats, including the dismissal of former FBI director James Comey, Trump's efforts to chase Mueller and his attempts to prevent the broadcast of emails regarding the meeting of Trump Tower in 2016 between Russians and your campaign team.

Democrats call for action against Barr, saying the Mueller report undermined some of the Attorney General's claims about the White House's obstruction and cooperation with the investigation.

Source: agencies


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