Democrats rush Donald Trump’s trial | A …


The United States House of Representatives will send the charge against former President Donald Trump to the Senate next Monday, who will begin his dismissal for “incitement to insurgency” during the recent attack of hundreds of his supporters on Congress.

In a speech in the Senate, the leader of the Democratic caucus, Charles Schumer, said the Speaker of the House of Representatives, also a Democrat Nancy Pelosi, (pictured) informed him on Monday that the indictment against Trump was sent.

The leader of the Republicans in the Senate, Mitch mcconnnel, proposed yesterday postpone the trial until February on the grounds of giving Trump time to prepare his defense, but today’s announcement seems to indicate that will start next week.

According to the rules of Congress, the delivery of the indictment implies that the process will begin at 1 p.m. the next day, that is, Tuesday.

Either way, the timeline is still unclear: Schumer and McConnell are still discussing both when and how long to start the process, the Democratic leader said in an appearance gathered by the site. The Hill.

“Make no mistake, there will be a trial in the United States Senate, where there will be a vote on whether (the former) president is convicted or not,” Schumer said.

Pelosi was more specific and said the postponement to February is not necessary: ​​“We respect the constitutional authority of the Senate over the trial and we are always mindful of the fairness of the process, but the (former) president and those manager has had the same time to prepare, and our leaders are ready. “

“The impeachment article against Trump for inciting insurgency will be handed over to the Senate on Monday, January 25,” he confirmed.

In a statement, Republican McConnnel proposed more flexible than usual time frames for the process, starting with a first phase after receiving the charge.

After that, the Senate would give the ex-president’s team of lawyers and House of Representatives “prosecutors” – responsible for defending the complaint in the upper house – two weeks to prepare.

The testimonies would not begin, to reach an agreement on this subject, until mid-February.

Lower house approved impeachment against Trump last week
for inciting a crowd of his supporters who attacked the Capitol on Jan.6 as lawmakers certified President Joe Biden, who took office this week, to win the election.

To condemn the former president, two-thirds of senators must vote in favor, which means 17 Republicans would have to join the 50 seats the Democrats have., something improbable so far. Some Republican lawmakers even say it is unconstitutional to impeach a former president.

If Trump is found guilty, he will not be removed from the post he has already left, but will be barred from seeking a White House seat again in 2024.

A delay in the process could be welcomed by some Democratic leaders, as it would give the Senate more time to confirm Biden’s candidates for key cabinet positions and to debate a new coronavirus financial aid law.

“We are currently facing a period of multiple crises, and what we are going to need is to be able to act on several fronts”, he declared in this direction. Brian Deese, brand new director of the National Economic Council, when White House reporters asked him if Trump’s impeachment could affect the debate over an economic stimulus package.


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