Democrats will never see Trump's tax declaration, said the White House


"Never, and they should not do it either," replied Mulvaney when a reporter asked him if they would accept the opposition 's request during an interview with Fox News. .

As soon as he badumed the presidency, Trump advisers reported that the president would not respect the tradition of his predecessors Publish your tax return each year.

Sean Spicer, then press attaché, said that in principle, they would not do it the first year, in 2017, and that the president himself explained why it was not logical to do more advanced.

As he explained to the press, his documents "are under audit" and are so complex that "people would not understand them".

Today, however, it is the first time that a government official makes it clear that publishing such data "will never happen".

"This is a problem that was brought to light in the elections.The voters knew that the president could have poured his tax returns (before the elections), they knew that he did not have it." not done and they still elected him ", the chief of staff told officials, according to the EFE news agency.

But what happened is that Trump pledged to make these documents public during the election campaign and only moved back if he had already settled in the Oval Office of the White House.

Despite the president's continued refusal, the opposition continues to demand that figures from Trump's emporium be known until he becomes president and his children drive today.


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