Demonstrators in Ecuador close to dialogue and promise to radicalize protests


The largest Aboriginal organization in Ecuador He closed the dialogue with the government and promised to intensify protests against economic adjustmentswho leaves in the week five dead, 554 wounded and nearly a thousand inmates.

"No dialogue with a murderous government," proclaimed Jaime Vargas, president of the Confederation of Nationalities (Conaie) The party leader, who called for "radicalizing the actions" by blocking the roads and "shots" of the headquarters, spoke in front of his colleagues concentrated in the agora, a colosseum in Quito, where find the remains of Inocencio Tucumbi. leader killed during protests, according to the government, following a fall.

"We will radicalize more strongly, comrades, and if you have to denounce and if you have to kill me, you kill me!"Vargas exclaimed, in this way he ruined the expectations of the president Lenin Moreno that the conflict can be settled with the mediation of the Catholic Church and the United Nations.

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Records of the Ombudsman's Office five civilians killed, 554 injured and 929 arrested in the first week of accidents. The government reports 133 wounded policemen.

Ten policemen captured early by the Indians were released last night after being forced to drive the coffin with Tucumbi, according to the newspaper. AFP. For its part, an authority said it had arrested 17 foreigners, mainly Venezuelans, at Quito International Airport. with information on Moreno's movements.

This confirms "all the interests that are behind the chaos in the country"said Interior Minister María Paula Romo, referring to the president's allegations of an alleged plot to overthrow him and implicate his predecessor Rafael Correa and the Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro, who deny the accusations.

All interests behind the chaos in the country, said Interior Minister María Paula Romo

Indigenous peoples embody social discontent with economic reforms Dark blond as part of a program – agreed with the International Monetary Fund – millionaire credits intended, he said, save the dollarized Ecuadorian economy from the "debacle" after years of "waste, debt and corruption" under the Correa government.

Among the parameters, is the elimination of diesel and gasoline subsidieswhich resulted in rates of up to 123%.

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Indigenous peoples, who make up 25% of the 17.3 million Ecuadorians, they are the sector most punished by poverty and most importantly they work in the field. With the release of fuel prices, they must pay more to transport their products while fearing inflationary escalation.

Conaie remains in assembly in Quito and although there have been no new marches, the police force reinforced fences near the presidential seat unoccupied as a preventive measure.

AFP / B.D.N.


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