Denmark: Amateur archaeologist finds 22 6th century gold coins | They belong to pre-iking peoples who inhabited this country


Amateur archaeologist found in Denmark 22 gold objects with 6th century symbols, who can provide new details about the pre-loving peoples who inhabited this land.

This was announced this morning by the research director of the Vejle museum, which will house the treasure.

Some of the objects have runic patterns and inscriptions that may refer to the rulers of the time, but are also reminiscent of Norse mythology, Mads Ravn told the international press.

“It is the symbols of the objects that make them unique, more than their value in gold.
“, He observed, specifying that in total the objects weighed about a kilo.

Among the pieces, there is also one that refers to the Roman Emperor Constantine, from the early 4th century, and a saucer-sized medallion.

According to the first examinations, the objects may have been buried as an offering to the gods at a time of severe climate change, when temperatures got very cold after a volcanic eruption in Iceland in 536, which covered the sky with ash clouds.

“There are many symbols, some never seen before, that will allow us to broaden our knowledge of the people of this time.“, he underlined.

The treasure was found near Jelling in southwestern Denmark, which historians say became the birthplace of the Viking kings between the 8th and 12th centuries.

It will be exhibited at the Vejle museum from February 2022.

The amateur archaeologist found the treasure about six months ago using a metal detector, but the news has only come out now.


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