Denmark kills more than 15 million mink due to coronavirus


Denmark will impose new restrictions on the movement of its citizens after the discovery of a covid-19 mutation in the mink population of the country that could derail global efforts to develop a vaccine. The Danish Prime Minister, Mette Frederiksen, is due to hold a press conference on the situation later Thursday. Your government plans kill up to 17 million mink in an effort to contain the epidemic.

Health officials say new strain of virus affects proteins point, which could make it particularly dangerous.

Mink slaughter in Denmark.

The World Health Organization says he is in contact with Danish authorities “to know more about this situation“. According to Kare Molbak, Denmark’s leading epidemiologist, the mutation found in mink farms across the country is “particularly” worrying, because the spike protein it affects “is the purpose of vaccines“.

So far, 12 cases of humans infected with the new virus strain are known in Denmark. Cases of Covid-19 have been found in more than 200 of Denmark’s more than 1,100 mink farms, the government reported on Wednesday.

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People who have contracted the new form of the virus does not appear to suffer from more severe symptoms, according to Danish health authorities. Most likely, the virus was transmitted to mink from humans, and then again.

The new restrictions will apply to northern Jutland, which is part of western Denmark and is home to the country’s mink production. While the government has yet to provide details, several local mayors have said citizens will no longer be free to leave the municipalities where they live.

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Mink slaughter in Denmark.

Mink slaughter in Denmark.


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