Deployment of Argentina and the Lima group to the UN with the Chancellor of Nicolás Maduro – 27/02/2019


In an unprecedented situation that highlights a new stage for Nicolás Maduro's regime before international organizations, Argentina, along with the other members of the Lima Group, made amends to Chancellor Jorge Arreaza on Wednesday.

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

It was during a first session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, which sits in Geneva and where Argentina is currently vice-president. Ambbadador Carlos Foradori and the 13 other colleagues in front of the group's international organizations (Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay and Peru, Guyana, Saint Lucia and Mexico , with some reservations) they waited for Arreaza and, when the Chavista minister began to speak, they got up, took their folders, their coats and left.

The gesture, in diplomacy, results in rudeness.

On the other hand, although the United Nations retains the powers of the Maduro government officials in the said organization, Juan Guaidó recently appointed María Fernanda Arestigueta as a representative in Geneva. We do not know what will happen, even if it is a complex issue.

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Arestigueta had already met Foradori and foreign representatives in Geneva. who recognize Guaidó as interim president of Venezuela. Mauricio Macri was one of the first presidents to do so when the president of the National Assembly of Venezuela proclaimed himself "president in office" on 23 January.

In the video that is published here, we see Foradori retiring with Gabriera Quinteros, General Director of Human Rights at the Chancery, who went this week with Secretary Claudio Avruj. You can also see the rest of the ambbadadors before the surprised look of Arreaza.

At the same time and in line with what Chancellor Jorge Faurie said on Monday before the meeting of the Lima group in Bogota, the Argentine ambbadador to the UN in New York pleaded for a peaceful solution of the country. Caribbean. Ambbadador Martín García Moritán delivered a speech at a meeting of the Security Council focused on Venezuela.

Speech A moment of intervention by the Venezuelan Foreign Minister, Jorge Arreaza, to the UN (Reuters).

Speech A moment of intervention by the Venezuelan Foreign Minister, Jorge Arreaza, to the UN (Reuters).

García Moritán complained that "The Maduro dictatorial regime has used force to block the humanitarian, multilateral and peaceful initiative" to refuse humanitarian aid that was trying to enter the country on Saturday 23 January. But at the same time, Argentina has badociated with the general declaration of finding a "peaceful transition to democracy" in Venezuela.

But in Geneva, the climate for Arreaza – contrary to what the Chancellor had lived in New York the day before – was much more unfavorable.

By the way, the Chancellor of Maduro delivered his speech, defended the policy of his government and complained of what he considered a blockade of his country. "We have come here to denounce the fact that the US government is aggression against Venezuela and that it has deepened with the Trump government." He stated that "thefts" were perpetrated against his country and against his human resources.

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The funny thing is that after finishing his speech before the Human Rights Council, Arreaza interrupted his schedule. To begin, he joined the high-level meeting on disarmament held on Wednesday as well and eventually sent his second. And then, his name was removed from the list of officials who were going to be present at the World Trade Organization conference to be held Thursday.


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