Deputy of Antichávista fled to Colombia after 40 days of refugee at the embassy of Argentina | Chronic


The Venezuelan deputy Richard Blanco, Accused of rebellion, he escaped Monday in Colombia after nearly 40 days of refuge at the Argentine Embbady in Caracas, and after his tireless journey incognito, he asked to form an international coalition against the president. Nicolás Maduro.

"We must find a way to form an international coalition allowing us to help Venezuela come out of this nightmare and this misfortune"He told reporters in the city of Cucuta.

Blanco is one of 14 Venezuelan lawmakers accused by the Venezuelan prosecutor's office of indulging in an unsuccessful attempt to institute a military uprising against Maduro on April 30th.

The attempt was led by Juan Guaidó, who swore in January as president in charge of the country and demands the exit of the president, a democratic transition and free elections.

After 18 hours of commuting, during which he received help from different people and had to make several changes of vehicles to mislead the authorities, Blanco was finally able to go to the aforementioned Colombian city, where he said that he would not stay long.

"What I do, is what the majority of Venezuela's population is doing, in search of freedom," he said, quoted by the news agency EFE.

He added that it was time to apply for international military badistance under Article 187 of his country's Constitution, which allows the opposition to request foreign military forces to 39, to intervene on Venezuelan territory.

This request can be made by the National Assembly, presided over by Guaidó. The anti-Chavez leader, whom more than 50 countries recognize as acting president of the oil country, has already organized numerous demonstrations and initiatives against Maduro.

"No one will shut me up, that's why I decided to cross the Colombian border and I will continue to ask for help later, we can not do it and my commitment is to the Venezuela.", wrote in his personal account of the social network Twitter.

Nobody will silence me. That's why I decided to cross the Colombian border and I will continue later to ask for help. We simply can not and my commitment is to Venezuela.

– Dip.Richard Blanco (@RichardBlancoOf)
June 17, 2019

In parallel with this political conflict, the country, which has the largest proven oil reserves on the planet, is experiencing the worst economic crisis in its modern history.

This has caused the exodus of more than four million people, according to data from the UN and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

The politician said he entered Colombia on one of the illegal marches known as trails, which abound in the 2,219-kilometer border between the two countries.

After the unsuccessful April 30th attempt to provoke a military uprising, demonstrations and clashes between opponents and security forces left five dead, 100 wounded and over 200 detainees, according to various records.

Last month, the Supreme Court of Venezuela, which, according to the opposition, is subordinate to the executive, asked the National Constituent Assembly (ANC), an organ composed solely of members of Chavismo and not recognized by much of the international community, Fuero to 14 deputies accused of rebellion.

Given this, Blanco fled to the Argentine Embbady in Caracas on May 9, as "Guest".


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