Desertions: Bolsonaro accepted the asylum application of 25 Venezuelan rebels


Rebel soldiers today in Caracas Source: AP

RIO DE JANEIRO.- Amid the confusion created in Venezuela by the call of the president in charge

Juan Guaidó

that the armed forces support the uncertain uprising against the regime of

Nicolás Maduro

, the President of Brazil,

Jair Bolsonaro

, has accepted the request for political asylum of 25 Venezuelan rebel soldiers at the Brazilian Embbady in Caracas.

Presidential spokesman Otávio Rêgo Bastos confirmed the information previously disclosed by journalist Miriam Leitão of the Rio de Janeiro newspaper.
Or Globe. Although for the moment the government has refused to reveal the identity and the scope of the army received, it is known that it is not a high command of the forces armies.

Since very early, when Guaidó, president of the National Assembly and self-proclaimed president of Venezuela,
Initiated actions to try to overthrow Maduro in a message addressed to the liberated political prisoner Leopoldo López, the Brazilian government has followed with attention and concern the events that occurred in the country. Bolsonaro convened an emergency meeting at Plbadto Palace, which included Vice President General Hamilton Mourão, Foreign Minister Ernesto Araújo and Defense Ministers General Fernando Azevedo e Silva , and the Cabinet of Institutional Security, General Augusto Heleno.

Shortly before the meeting, the far right leader – a fierce critic of Maduro – used his Twitter account to express his support for the opposition uprising.

"Brazil stands in solidarity with the long-suffering Venezuelan people, enslaved by a dictator supported by the PT (Workers Party), the PSOL (Socialist Party and Freedom) and ideological allies, we support the freedom of this brother country so that they finally live a true democracy "Bolsonaro wrote, who took the opportunity to condemn the support that the Brazilian left brought to the Bolivarian regime of Caracas. "Brazil is following the situation in Venezuela with sufficient attention and reaffirming its support for the ongoing democratic transition in the neighboring country.Brazil is on the side of the people of Venezuela, President Guaidó and the freedom of Venezuelans" , he added.

Or again, Brazil agrees to follow a situation in Venezuela and reaffirms or sets up a democratic process of transition is not a vizinho country. Or Brazil is next to Venezuela, President Juan Guaidó and gives freedom to two Venezuelans. & – Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro)
April 30, 2019

Already after the meeting, the Palacio Plbadto issued a statement in which he encouraged the international community to support the actions against Maduro. "We call on all countries, identified with the ideals of freedom, to stand with the President in charge, Juan Guaidó, in the search for a solution ending the dictatorship of Maduro and restoring institutional normality in Venezuela. "

Skeptical from the outset about the success of this new opposition movement against the Maduro regime, Minister Heleno pointed out that Guaidó did not get the support of the "high-ranking" armed forces. and that he "does not expect any" short term "solution for the exacerbation of the Venezuelan crisis.

"We have the feeling that the Guaidó side is militarily weak, but in the morning there was no military mobilization, although Guaidó announced mbadive support from the armed forces, which was then placed in the right dimension: a support of the armed forces but who did not reach the high ranks, was in the lower echelons, "said the most influential military cabinet of Bolsonaro.

Even with this reading of Brasilia, one of the president's sons, the deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro, chairman of the commission of the external relations of the lower house, quickly went with a delegation of lawmakers in the country. State of Roraima, in the north of the country, first stage of the country. Brazil has thousands of Venezuelan immigrants who have fled their country in recent years, waiting for a "good news" that has not arrived. By the end of the afternoon, President Bolsonaro announced that he would allocate R $ 223.8 billion (about US $ 57 million) to the Ministry of Defense to strengthen the operation. reception for 123,000 Venezuelans who have taken refuge in Brazil. .


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