Design and programming of video games


Video Game Design and Programming

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The registration for the university technician in design and programming of video games is open. It will be dictated in person at the headquarters of the institution, Lavalle 50 of our capital.


Cuenca del Plata

Design and Programming of Video Games

The registration for the university technician in design and programming of video games is open. It will be dictated in person at the headquarters of the institution, Lavalle 50 of our capital. This academic offer will begin in August and is the first and only one in the NEA region to meet the demand of the creative industries and video games. The dictation will be face-to-face, being a unique proposition in the region.
The university technician in video game design and programming meets the demand of the creative industries and video games, which have grown exponentially due to the existence of new distribution platforms. To register and get information about this technique in the design and programming of video games, you can enter; approaching Lavalle 50 Capital. Mail: [email protected]
Phones (379) 4434424/4436309 – Internal. 1012.

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