"Desk Challenge", a dangerous viral challenge that led to the suspension of many students in Spain


We do not know how the viral challenges more unusual, risky and dangerous. But every time a new one pops up, many people get into fashion, it's filmed, we try to become viral … and it ends up hurting.

The latest fashion has erupted in Spain, where in several schools they are trying prevent guys from doing the "Desk Challange", the challenge of the desk.

What is? In hang a chair to a wall mount that smells a person, then put the desk or desk on the legs. Worst? There is no specific time, it seems that the goal is to let the subject "sit in the air" until he falls.

This video of Go News, from Spain, brings together many of these dangerous challenges.

Some local media have reported that several high school students in Albatera, Alicante, were suspended to carry out this challenge to between 10 and 15 students for a period of up to eight days.

In another school, they decided to remove the lockers from the clbadrooms because they seemed to have been used to meet this challenge. The risk, precisely, is to hurt yourself by falling. Several teens reported being beaten on the back, neck and limbs, and one girl had to get medical attention because of the impact on the floor.


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