Desk Challenge: The viral challenge that places young people online | Chronic


A dangerous game generates a state of alarm among parents and educational institutions of adolescents. This is the "office challenge" of hanging a clbadmate sitting in his chair and placing the desk on his legs. The challenge usually ends when the stand falls due to weight, causing the boy a hard blow.

The uninterrupted repetition in different clbadrooms in Spain and, to a lesser extent, in other European countries, worries educational authorities who have already begun to take preventive and disciplinary measures in this area.

One of the teens involved in the "Desk Challenge" had to receive medical care after the fall, according to local media.

For the time being, this dangerous challenge has resulted in the temporary expulsion of at least 15 students from a secondary school in the municipality of Albatera, in the province of Almeria. ; Alicante. Meanwhile, at another educational center in the same city, it was ordered to remove the coat racks from the lounges. "because they showed signs of wear for" this absurd and risk-filled challenge ".


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