Desperate and about to cry, Brandoni asked to go out to support Macri


In Spain, the actor and activist of the Radical Civic Union has made a video calling for a mobilization to support the president in the elections of 27 October.

Luis Brandoni became a trend in networks (with messages of support, criticism and memes), then played in a video to call a support march to Mauricio Macri, ahead of the October 27 elections.

In the middle of the economic crisis that rages in the country and after the overwhelming defeat of the ruling party at the simultaneous open and compulsory Primary, the actor of the The Odyssey of the Giles said: "Here we are in Madrid, fulfilling a commitment made several months ago, worried, but not defeated. "

"There is still a lot of work to be done, and for the moment, on Saturday the 24th, we're going into the streets and squares across the country, and by the way, remember 1A, April 1, 2017, which also came down on Saturday. that many of us want a republican, democratic and decent country, "he said.

"And get ready for October 27: prosecutors at all tables are convinced and safe," he said. "We lost the republic several times, once again, no, I kiss you and live the country, huh," he said on the verge of tears.

To integrate


The scandal that Brandoni played in a flight with Aerolineas Argentinas

Luis Brandoni is angered and left the Doman program

Brandoni said that "if Alfonsin lived, he would vote for Macri"


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