Desperate requests for help from a teenager before his death


After being violently captured and deprived of her liberty, Alexandra was desperate to call her abductor's phone police to ask to be saved.or it was enough to save his life due to a failure of the attention of the operator.

This Monday, the local press published the audios of this emergency call that reveal the desperate request for help from the Romanian girl of 15 years captured, raped and murdered.

To integrate

"Please, stay with me on the phone, I'm really scared"Alexandra implored the police during the last of her three calls for help.

"I can not stay online with you, miss, I have other calls" They responded from the police department. According to a transcription and audios. "Stay there, a police vehicle will arrive without fail, in about 2 or 3 minutes […] Hell, calm down, the car is on the way, "they repeat.

When the police arrived at the place where the girl was kidnapped, she found charred human remains. and jewelry that Alexandra wore the day she was last seen alive.

Then, the DNA badyzes requested by the court confirmed that the remains corresponded to the missing minor. It was also found that the girl was showing signs of badual abuse.


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