Despite brain death, she gave birth to a girl


It could be a miracle, even if modern science has a lot to do with this news. Eliska was born, a baby who remained in the womb of her mother in a brain-dead state.

The woman has been with artificial badistance for the last four months to complete her pregnancy. The medical team of the Czech hospital where the case was developed indicated that it was something unique in the whole world.

The little girl was born by caesarean section on August 15th. He weighed 2,130 kilos and measured 42 centimeters.

L & # 39; s history

The mother of the girl was 16 weeks pregnant when she was hospitalized on April 21st in a very serious condition due to a brain hemorrhage caused by a genetic malformation. At that time, Eliska had only a fetus of 250 grams.

On the same day, the brain death of the 27-year-old girl was diagnosed, but it was decided to keep her breathing and vital functions to make the pregnancy viable.

L & # 39; epilepsy

Eliska's mother began to suffer from epilepsy during her first pregnancy, when she was diagnosed with an arteriovenous malformation that she treated after childbirth.

In addition to pulmonary activity, the evolution of the kidneys of the mother and the flow of food necessary for the baby were monitored in detail.

A medical miracle

"This case is very rare and will enter the annals of world medicine and it confirms the great strength of the nascent human life," said Pavel Ventruba, head of the hospital's department of gynecology and maternity, who it's unmarked as the only case in the world. the time that the process lasted and the weight of the creature at birth.

In addition to prolonging the life of the mother for a record time, in order to save the child, the medical team and family have simulated normal conditions for the development of pregnancy.

The woman was mbadaged in the belly and stuffed animals. The nurses did a wonderful job talking to Eliska, playing music and letting one of her grandmothers read stories to the little girl before she was born.

Even a machine simulated that the mother walked to create a feeling of movement, so that the baby always felt that everything was normal.


Hearing the case, people made donations to support the father of Eliska, a policeman from the town of Trebic, in the southeastern Czech Republic.

Currently the baby is cared for by the father and one of his aunts who badfeed.


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