Despite the crisis, Argentina in the top 5 countries that consume more meat


According to FAO and OurWorld statistics in Data 2013, four countries in the world are the main consumers of meat: the United States, Australia, New Zealand and Argentina, with an average of 100 kilograms per inhabitant per year by adding beef. , swine and avian.

The consumption of animal protein remains a luxury worldwide, for for example, in European countries, consumption is between 80 and 90 kilograms per capita, whereas in poor countries such as Ethiopia, Rwanda or Nigeria, it is only 7 to 10 kilos. and 9 kilos per inhabitant and year.

In recent years, vegetarian and vegan diets have started to become popular in more developed countries and of course, the trend has also spread to Argentina, but the truth is that meat consumption remains firm locally and Resist not only in fashion, but also in fashion. sharp rise in prices and decline in purchasing power. In contrast to the evolution of the average of the formal wages (+ 25,2%), during the last nine months, all the meat knew much more important increases (10,6% for the beef, + 23, 7% for chicken). + 11.9% for pork cuts), which is consistent with the withdrawal of internal meat consumption in recent months from 116.8 kg per capita to 108 kg, a decrease of 8, 7%

Locally, another phenomenon also occurs, namely the diversification of meat consumption. Without a doubt, chicken and pork continue to gain ground at Argentine tables. Less than a decade ago, between 7 and 9 kilograms of pork were eaten on average and the vast majority of them were prevented from consuming it. Today, this value is about 15 kilos and it is here that the demand for fresh meat has been the strongest.

Something similar is happening with the chicken, which in recent years has managed to position itself as a cheaper option for beef and even marketing in its favor because it seems to be healthier for some nutritionists.

At the same time, the industrial sector stresses the need to boost exports, because despite the fact that domestic consumption is sustained, it is not expected that demand will grow beyond current values ​​of 100 kilos. per capita and per year. The output is export, but larger value cuts oriented towards markets that do not stop growing like the Chinese.

This is good news for Argentina because despite the fact that many citizens of Europe and North America say they want to try to reduce meat consumption, statistics show the opposite. Recent data from the US Department of Agriculture suggest that per capita meat consumption has actually increased in recent years and even in that country, in 2018, it was close to its highest level since decades.

Thus, without neglecting domestic consumption, the moment is ideal for Argentina to sell more quality meat to the world.


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