Despite the hikes, the food says it's still missing and the "dlar gndola" is in $ 22.50


Despite 3.7% of inflation of June (the highest figure of the last two years) and within the framework of a dollar that already trep [1945900453 to 2018, food prices still have a long way to go

to the point that most products exposed in gondolas will accumulate a

As the largest agribusiness firms in the country claim, they warn that the value that consumers currently pay for items is a dollar close to $ 22.50

. many away from the more than $ 28.00 to which the US dollar is quoted in those days.

According to the area accessed by iProfesional the price of most of the food will remain for the rest of the year.

This, despite the fact that the new are reduced increases as that which was given at the beginning of July which was on average 13% with peaks of 18% for some products. 19659002] Companies and chains of hypermarkets have already given a name to the exchange rate that they currently use: "dlar gndola".

It is, neither more nor less, the quotation which ] negotiate daily with suppliers the purchase of mercadera in the price lists that have been modified at least four times between January and this month.

In total, agribusinesses specify that all these touches are not sufficient to cover the sharp rise in costs . And they point out that they are unable to transfer these increases to final prices, since demand would not validate them, as a result of the loss of accumulated purchasing power .

According to data provided by the Secretary of Commerce for the month of June, the categories that increased the most in the 2,657 branches of 30 supermarket chains across the country are:

– The Adult Protection Product (13%)
– Shoe cleaning (8.2%)
– Oils (6.7%)
– Lavandins (6.7%)
– Frozen vegetables (6.6%)

"We must increase the amount of declines because it is impossible to sell at real values. That is, those that reflect the impact of the rise in dollar, parity and accumulated inflation our cost chain, "admits one of the largest food groups in the country.

For example, the source refers to the automotive industry in which the brands increased their models 28% to avoid losing face to the automobile industry. inflation and devaluation, to the detriment of sacrificing sales, as was the case in June (-17% compared to the same month of last year).

They also draw a parallel with what is happening today in the field of fuel . And they pick up the words of businessmen who insure that the values ​​of gasoline and diesel lag by nearly 30% that do not even balance with the latest increases of this month.

"Our scenario is similar to that of naphthas, which rise but not enough to reach the dollar or inflation, which already aims to be 30% this year ", says the manager of one of the local foods with greater market power.

The dosage increases
In the sector warn that the next few months will be very similar to what is observed today. That is, there will be periodic withdrawals but still back regarding prices that should match.

This, product of a recessive context that will leave its mark in the rest of the year, as they recognize from all branches of activity and also from the government itself.

It is, neither more nor less, the quotation from which negotiates daily with suppliers the purchase of mercadera in the context of price lists that between January and this month have been changed at least four times.

In total, agribusinesses specify that all these touches are not sufficient to cover the sharp rise in costs . And they point out that they are unable to transfer these increases to final prices, since demand would not validate them, as a result of the loss of accumulated purchasing power .

According to data provided by the Secretary of Commerce for the month of June, the categories that increased the most in the 2,657 branches of 30 supermarket chains across the country are:

– The Adult Protection Product (13%)
– Shoe cleaning (8.2%)
– Oils (6.7%)
– Lavandins (6.7%)
– Frozen vegetables (6.6%)

"We must increase the amount of declines because it is impossible to sell at real values. That is, those that reflect the impact of the rise in dollar, parity and accumulated inflation our cost chain, "admits one of the largest food groups in the country.

For example, the source refers to the automotive industry in which the brands increased their models 28% to avoid losing face to the automobile industry. inflation and devaluation, to the detriment of sacrificing sales, as was the case in June (-17% compared to the same month of last year).

They also draw a parallel with what is happening today in the field of fuel . And they pick up the words of businessmen who insure that the values ​​of gasoline and diesel lag by nearly 30% that do not even balance with the latest increases of this month.

"Our scenario is similar to that of naphthas, which rise but not enough to reach the dollar or inflation, which already aims to be 30% this year ", says the manager of one of the local foods with greater market power.

The dosage increases
In the sector warn that the next few months will be very similar to what is observed today. That is, there will be periodic withdrawals but still back regarding prices that should match.

This, product of a recessive context that will leave its mark in the rest of the year, as they recognize from all branches of activity and also from the government itself.

Of another food – which has been hit hard by the rising prices of flour internationally, being the most used product for their products – let's recall that in April the delay of its price against the dollar and was 20%.

[19459030] "Now we accumulate 25% more than anything because of the second wave of devaluation in June," says Sealan.

Indeed, most of the large companies in the sector predict that the semi-annual balances to be announced in August will follow the red numbers as already observed in the case of Molinos Ro de la Plata Arcor and other major references of the local industry.

For the moment the goal, say entrepreneurs, is to maintain volume and not to lay off more staff, even at the expense of losses which will be very important.

According to the CAME, in the last year and a half nearly 90,000 jobs were lost in the food sector.

In addition, they indicate that currently the companies are raising prices more than anything to maintain their volumes since the devaluation, the high inflation and the consumption of each make impossible the articles in the show of gndolas the prices that can offset the increase in costs.

"He sells less and only increases so as not to lose volume", badures iProfesional an important executive, member of the Committee of Industrial Union Argentina (UIA).

And adds: "It is not only the dollar or inflation, but the increase of essence services logistics ] the tax pressure and all this in the midst of a retraction of consumption that will be deepened in what remains of 2018 ".

On the supermarket side, the vision is similar, although in some chains they doubt that all companies have contained the increases.

In this regard, they claim that Arcor incurred moderate increases in order not to transfer their higher costs to final prices. (IPorfesional)

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