Despite the measures, political and financial tensions persisted


Markets have maintained instability after announcements of rescheduling of debt; Macri said that there were shared responsibilities, Fernandez responded with irony

announced measures by the government to calm financial instability, the markets remained yesterday in the state of turbulence that dragged out of the 11 August STEP. he
dollar closed with a slight rise despite the fact that the
central bank has stepped in again and the country risk has exceeded 2200 points, which clearly shows that the announcement of the postponement of debt maturities made by the government the day before yesterday has not allowed to calm the financial world .

To this was added yesterday a new verbal counterpoint between
Mauricio Macri and his main electoral rival,
Alberto Fernandez. While the president declared that there were shared responsibilities with the opposition to advance without delay the remaining 59 days until the elections, the Peronist candidate ironically reprimanded him: "He must count the days" to reach the end of his days. mandate. In this tense climate, the government should send the project to postpone the expirations in the next hours.

Casa Rosada operates according to an emergency plan: the strategy is to go there every day. Despite the poor results, the Palacio de Hacienda felt that yesterday was not a bad day. "The badessment revealed that the announcement was good and expected," said one of the finance minister's advisers:
Hernán Lacunza.

In the government, they advance on two plans to deal with instability: bet on the firepower of the Central Bank and moderate the discourse in favor of the opposition, mainly with the candidate of the Front de Tous. , Alberto Fernández. "What happened has left a lesson, we must avoid clashes," said a close Lacunza and Interior Minister Rogelio Frigerio.

After the end of the truce between Mauricio Macri and Alberto Fernández – after cross-accusations, the fragile agreement was broken last Monday – other channels of dialogue are maintained, "official sources said. are Eduardo "Wado" of Pedro, Santiago Cafiero, Sergio Mbada, Guillermo Nielsen and Martín Redrado, among others.

Minister Lacunza Speaks Yesterday at the Cabinet Meeting Chaired by Macri
Minister Lacunza Speaks Yesterday at the Cabinet Meeting Chaired by Macri Credit: Presidency

Macri was the first to send a message. "We have 59 days before the elections, and my responsibility as president is to get through better, but it does not depend on any single government.It is necessary to find agreements among all," said the chief. of the state. The president, who had been in constant contact with Lacunza and central bank manager Guido Sandleris, missed another day on 27 October.

The first alarms that sounded from the opening of markets were triggered over the hours. A few minutes after the opening, the dollar rose 2 pesos to Banco Nacion and reached 62 pesos (an increase of 2%), but it fell below yesterday's price at 12:00. But the joy was short-lived for the government: he went back later. Finally, in its retail version, according to the average established by the Central Bank, the currency closed at $ 60.30, or 17 cents more than the last closing.

What became clear yesterday is that the government is entering a nervous state from 10 to 15 hours, Monday through Friday. Among the good news, near Lacunza, they pointed out that the Central Bank had just sold dollars at 13:45. The first auction was US $ 83 million and the second US $ 106 million. The negative fact is that the organization that runs Sandleris again raised the benchmark rate to 78.2%. At the same time, the country risk rose by 204 units to 2276 basis points and Argentine equities in New York fell again.

Casa Rosada also closely followed the movements of Alberto Fernández, who yesterday gave a nod to the government when announcing the launch of a renegotiation with the Fund. "I had stated that Argentina was in a very bad situation and that it was going to have to be clear at some point," said the candidate. A Chicana also renewed: "It must count the days," he said in reference to the sentence of Macri, but he did not abound in details. "Silence is good," official sources said.

The government is also uncomfortable due to the lack of a unified message. While the president spoke of the need to reach "agreements", some ruling party members, such as Elisa Carrió and Miguel Pichetto, questioned Kirchnerism and prolonged the tension. "We need to resolve the inconsistencies, it is impossible for Macri to convene the dialogue and others to leave to shake the opposition, we need more calm," said an operator with 39, an office at Casa Rosada and Palacio de Hacienda.



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