Despite the protest of taxi drivers, MEPs will today deal with the new mobility law


Owners and taxi drivers are making a violent protest to the provincial legislature, where they will discuss the new mobility law that would, among other things, allow the arrival of Uber to Mendoza.

This morning, the deputies discussed in the parliamentary work, if in the session of this Wednesday it would treat on the spot this project that the executive sent. It is at this point that a group of taximetreros has entered by force into the House of Laws. They entered by the door located in street Patricias Mendocinas

There the guard of this police, forbade entry, but some could still pbad.

Three delegates, including the owner of the guild, Fernando Sáez, succeeded to Lieutenant Governor Laura Montero received them.

After intense meetings, MPs finally announced that they were going to discuss the project in the compound. That is to say, that the project that generated the anger of taxi drivers could get half of the penalty in the Legislature.

One of the taxi owners accused police of attacking him at the entrance of the legislature. "They grabbed us and pushed us because we could not get in. I have my whole body scored," he said to @LosAndesDiario

– Juan Manuel Torrez (@jmtorrez) July 4, 2018

Dozens of taxi drivers ?? ?? They are protesting in the Legislative Assembly for changes in the bill on mobility and the possible arrival of Uber in Mendoza. @LosAndesDiario

– Juan Manuel Torrez (@jmtorrez) July 4, 2018

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