Despite the recommendations of the Ministry of Security, Mauricio Macri will travel to India on a direct flight.


Finally, Mauricio Macri has focused more on the savings made by the state than on its security. Despite the recommendations of the department headed by Patricia Bullrich, that the head of state would fly by plane privately to abroad, the president decided to face his next tour in India and Vietnam in an airliner and only part of the trip in a private company.

According to the record at Infobae Casa Rosada sources, with this decision Macri will save a few 15 million pesos although he completely ignores the reserved report a week ago, the Ministry of Security issued a report that recommended that, for "reasons of extreme security", the head of state refuses to use airplanes.

Macri will leave on February 16 in India on a company plane Fly Emirates will stop in São Paulo and Dubai. From there, the rest of the trip will be by private planes that will take you to New Delhi, Mumbai and Vietnam. The trip to Singapore that was going to be done at the same time This was canceled.

"We will take extreme care and take into account the presidential security, but at the same time, we think that right now it's important to make a backup effort ", admitted Infobae an official from Casa Rosada.

In this way, they admitted to the government that they would not be able to fulfill the mandate of the Ministry of Security which included all the risks that involve the president traveling on an airplane.

According to a report of about 30 pages, it was suggested thatin the presence of unknown pbadengers, effects that can be carried or different imponderables they could endanger the safety of the head of state during his travels abroad.

In addition, in the same report, it was stated that there were round trips in the airplanes lines where the presidential delegation was traveling and on the same flight people were found carrying drugs and not part of the procession.

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