Details of new IMF deal sent to Macri and Alberto | Chronic


By Roberto Di Sandro
71 years at Casa Rosada
[email protected]

The International Monetary Fund currently has a double task. Talk to an acting president and one who will definitely come into effect after December 10. C & # 39; is to say, Mauricio Macricurrent leader and candidate for re-election, and Alberto Fernandez, the new star who accompanies as vice president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, who chose it to get a decisive victory in the STEP.

Therefore, members of the credit bureau known as "Vampire of the world" They have already settled at the Central Bank to deal with the negotiations on the issue of whether they will lend the country another great tarasca of green vegetables and then we will see if the goals that have been signed are met.

Before coming, the IMF sent a letter directly on behalf of Macri and Fernández, as well as a copy to the other candidates who will appear in the October 27 elections, to know for sure who will lead our country for another four years, without success. by a government that is not successful and has prostrated itself in the depths of poverty among the populations of the sectors mentioned.

Roberto Cardarelli He is leading the mission that, a few hours ago, did not want to come, but he had to resign himself to change his mind because he had received the order from the White House (as if to refuse) and had already begun the contacts "hand in hand" with the new Minister of Finance. , Hernán Lacunza. This young economist, who left the same post in the province of Buenos Aires to sit in the building in front of Casa Rosada, is already half over all the meetings that add to his agenda , which determined the purchase of another The current is not enough. Before leaving for Buenos Aires, so far, the "Ministry of Economy of Argentina" – this is what they call the IMF – sent a note to the two "presidents" to inform them of the agreement that they had to spend to continue negotiating, taking a series of details that have emerged in the last few hours and that have a lot to do with another expense for Argentina worth more than five billion dollars.

One of its paragraphs contains – as they have relied on Chronic-, words plus words less, details of the recommendations for the future that must be accepted, after the previous negotiations, so that the global monetary resource is delivered to the Central Bank "in time and form". It should be noted that on the side of Macri there will be no problem, but on the side of this side – Alberto Fernández – the thing will be very delicate because there is a team composed of technicians of enlightened thoughts that will badyze up to the "least detail" before putting a definitive stamp

William Nielsen and Cecilia Todesca They were the first sent of Fernandez to Lacunza. The fund wants to bring the two sectors – the government and the winning opposition – closer to the dialogue. Has he heard Chronic in the last hours at Casa Rosada. He also collected more versions, rumors, chimentos and conjectures. They are in the following blocks.

Apparent euphoria

In the privacy of the presidential meetings, an extremely emotional Macri is noted for the month of October. Remember to reverse the situation. Some voices speak of this mood of number one, even when some people who look from the side see it from the front.

We knew that in talking to his activists, a relaxed language spoke: "There is a lot of difference …". He gave the number: "Almost twenty points. The thing is not easy ". There, a caring president is warned. In either case, next week will only go to Parchment and will reduce your indoor visits.

Yes, it goes hand in hand with the surveys that are done daily. From there, he loves them every day and he expressed: "Do not lie to me."

The conciliator

Macri was shown a poll the other day and Fernandez was warned by adding two more points. It's too early for the estimates. The popular will be perceived only by "word of mouth". However, at a meeting on Friday night, in Olivos, the figure of Lilita Carrió and during these quick encounters, he predicts a victory for the head of state.

But the man who borrows the political paths, or rather the personal contacts, is Michelangelo Pichettochosen by Macri as vice-presidential candidate for this election race. He has already lost his entry, but his expertise and knowledge of these political leaders make him a man of the utmost importance to achieve positive results. The menemist was charged with dialoguing with all sectors of the civic community involved in the elections. Basically with the Peronists, with whom he has a greater presence in recent months, it was within the justicialist party. They say that Macri has great confidence and knows his virtues and his true political size.

However, from the bottom of the change, some voices consider that after the STEP "Nobody can be optimistic". He has asked all official sectors that their leaders demonstrate strength and courage to reverse this electoral situation. Videos are often viewed. Marcos Peña even heads of official areas broadcast haranguing opinions "Do not relax" and vote for Macri.

"Hold hands"

In the middle of all this complex countryside landscape, the president decided to change his mind quickly. This was not surprising, of course, because the changes are very common although they now say no.

In this space of Short and tastyFor example, Macri recently stated that it would not change economic policy and put aside what is called "Popular or populist measures". After the resounding failure of the elections, we began to implement a certain package that has a lot to do with the popular terrain to improve the situation. He went on to say that the current economic structure is maintained and that we are all curious. The same thing happened the other day, after having charged the new Minister of Finance with "Let's give it to management"after a while in an event began to launch words all related to the election campaign. These are the changes of change.

While you lie so badly, what the controversial Lilita has expressed. He again criticized the opposition by pointing out that "The inhabitants of Buenos Aires have left peace to Vidal", who ignored the popular will who voted for Axel Kicillof, who won a landslide victory.

A compliment to someone who has remained for many years in the glorious body of grenadiers at General San Martín Horse and who has now moved on to civility. This is the chief non-commissioned officer Juan Carlos Oneto, which entered the Rosada in 1971, gaining sympathy from all sectors. His father was the driver of a general Peron in the third presidency of the leader.

Another beautiful: the darling Alfredo Paradela, colleague and friend of a lifetime, turned years. Congratulations Bird, that we see in La Rosada always greet and involved in this profession which is a true apostolate.

For medium-sized businessmen: the number one litigation court issued a suspension resolution of the badembly convened by the Osdepym inspector a few days ago. He did it before "Possible prejudices that will involve the celebration of the said badembly", as reported by the above-mentioned entity.

The section's news badtail calls for a finale that has much to do with a moment of lull in the multiple activities that President Macri's leadership demands today, given the general tension generated by a rather bewildering direction. It turns out that this "truce" was produced by an interview. That of Cougar José Luis Rodríguez. There was a moment of entertainment and even the great artist sang part of this song as sensitive as "Hold Hands" without doubt by hinting at political issues and a Latin American unity. The Venezuelan singer spoke about his next steps in the series, but also about what is happening in his country. The other block is waiting for us.

Unsatisfied promise

President Macri expressed renewed anger over the broken promise of the meat entrepreneurs who went to his office a few hours ago and revealed that there would not be any. increase. Not days, but hours later, in the various stores, the much-needed product was once again something of a comment that was provoking consumer protest. Therefore, the merchants were summoned again for this week and from "Drastic measures will be taken"said a Rosada official who attended the presidential interview.

Meanwhile, the new liaison table created by the government after the catastrophic defeat of the OSP included not only advertising slogans for the difficult society that could reverse the situation, but also issues that have a lot to do with the measures that we try to apply to reduce the serious socio-economic situation that the majority of citizens are going through. There is precisely a President's speech on Tuesday in Parchment, in which he might mention inflation problems, that there is no way to stop them.

Next Sunday we will continue to tell Intimities of many unspecified facts and Saturday night, through HD Chronicle from 21:30, join us as always, because it always means with you, who are the people. Goodbye


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