Details of Russia on the production of …


An interview with the head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), Kirill Dmtriev, allowed this Tuesday to clarify the situation regarding shipments of Sputnik V in Argentina. RDIF manages the coronavirus vaccine created by the Gamaleya Institute, and Dmtriev told the North American network CNBC that “there may be some delay in our production because we are increasing our capacity.. It is a process that the world has never faced, with the need for hundreds of millions of vaccines. Expectations must be realistic. Dmtriev spoke not only of the Sputnik V delay but of all the vaccines, including the scandal in Europe over Pfizer’s more than a month delay in administering doses. However, flight AR1062 went missing. traveled to Moscow with the hope of bringing more than the 220,000 doses planned and will return tomorrow Thursday at noon.

In the last few days some media wanted to attribute the delays in the arrival of the vaccine to “Argentine logistical problems”. In his dialogue with CNBC, Dmtriev explained that “vaccine production has many components and if there are problems with any of them, everything is delayed.” In other words, the executive admitted that the delays are due to Russian production. This is normal and it happens with all vaccines: Pfizer has argued that it is expanding its factory in Belgium, but in Europe, few people believe in this version. Oxford-AstraZeneca, which will not start delivering doses until mid-February, is also late, but the head of the laboratory, Pascal Soriot, said yesterday that “Europe ordered the vaccines three months after the Kingdom -United. This is why there are already vaccines in the UK and there are none in Europe ”.

“We have one of the best vaccines in the world,” Dmtriev said, “we have great science, but they’re trying to put politics into vaccines.” The executive thus responded to questions, in many ideological cases, of Sputnik V. In Argentina, the opposition started by rejecting this vaccine, then argued that the second dose did not even exist, then continued in saying it wasn’t for people. over 60, in the middle demanded the second dose and eventually continued to denounce that shipments had been delayed because of the Argentine government. The goal is that if in most countries of the world there are huge tragedies for the supply of vaccines, the country would have more than half a million vaccines in a few days, which we had not dreamed of since. months. Added to this is the immense pressure from the countries of the heart, which to a large extent have daily curfews.

One of the most concrete evidence that the problems are real and affect the production of all vaccines is that President Vladimir Putin said up front that the manufacture of Sputnik V in Russia would be reserved exclusively for Russians. Therefore, the vaccines for Argentina would come from India or South Korea. The truth is that, for now, airlines are going to get the doses from Moscow because production in India is delayed, depending on the version, due to the fact that the quality is being tested. And this presents a political challenge, because in Russia there are complaints about the slow supply of vaccines, including in key cities like St. Petersburg and in six republics that make up the Russian Federation.

“We already supply 13 countries, including Hungary and the United Arab Emirates, references in Europe and the Middle East,” said Dmitriev. The deal with Mexico is imminent and Sputnik would be approved in 24 more countries over the next two weeks.

Flight AR1062 would bring 220,000 doses 1. However, when the Airbus is loaded, the full amount will only be known: Doses are expected to be added, as work at Moscow airport continued Tuesday evening.


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