Details of the anti-bus meeting program


Vatican City (AICA): At a press conference held at the press office of the Holy See, Father Federico Lombardi SJ, moderator of the meeting of Pope Francis with the presidents of the world's episcopal conferences on the protection of minors against badual badault. which will be held from 21 to 24 February at the Vatican, I described in detail the program of this summit.

At a press conference held at the press office of the Holy See, Father Federico Lombardi SJ, moderator of the meeting of Pope Francis with the presidents of the world's episcopal conferences on the protection of minors against badual badault. which will be held from 21 to 24 February at the Vatican, I described in detail the program of this summit.

The total number of participants will be 190 – recommended by Father Lombardi – and the meeting will be divided into three thematic areas. Thursday the responsibility will be addressed, Friday the accountability and transparency Saturday.

About the program, the moderator explained that the first three days of the meeting, activities in the new clbadroom of Snodo would start at 9 am (Rome time) by morning prayer.

From Thursday to Saturday there will be three relationships a day followed by 15 minutes of questions and two group work times, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon.

Thursday, at the end of the prayer, a video containing testimonials of victims was broadcast. Pope Francis then briefly introduced the meeting (see news). At 9:30, Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle established his first relationship with the title The smell of sheep. Knowing your pain and healing your wounds is at the heart of the pastor's task.

The second presentation of this Thursday was made by Monsignor Charles Scicluna, entitled Church as a field hospital. Cardinal Rubn Salazar Gmez, taking his responsibilities, speaks of the Church in times of crisis. Deal with conflicts and tensions and act decisively.

Friday at 9:15 am, Cardinal Oswald Thank you for talking about collegiality: sent together at 10 am, Cardinal Blase Joseph Cupich refers to the Synod: jointly responsible and at 16, Linda Ghisoni addresses the Communio: work together.

On Saturday at 9:15, Sister Vernica Openibo speaks of Opening: sent to the world at 10 am, Cardinal Reinhard Marx addresses the issue of transparency in a community of believers. everyone.

Later, the Holy Father and the participants will visit the royal hall of the Vatican Apostolic Palace for a penitential celebration which will begin at 5:30 pm with the presence of a victim of badual abuse. The pope will not preach.

On Sunday morning, the closing mbad of the meeting will also be held at the Vatican Salia Regia. The homila is conducted by Mark Coleridge, president of the Episcopal Conference of Australia. After the Eucharistic Concelebration, the Holy Father will deliver the final speech.

The organizers indicated that it would be possible to follow certain moments of the meeting online on the official website:


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