Details of the chat organized by Argentina who distributed children's porn | Chronic


The man accused of producing images of child badgraphy, Maximiliano Olmedo, 36, had already been indicted and it was revealed that he had disseminated information through a group of ten people.

As detailed by the Chief of the Federal Police Néstor Roncalia, The only Argentine involved in the cause, made videos "Live" with minors, which were transmitted online. "Used as an administrator and organizer of a discussion forum" of a website that was distributing child badgraphy and was composed of ten people who "they consumed and produced online" badgraphic material.

Roncaglia then explained that "Until now, the San Martín party detainee is the only Argentinian. He is 36 years old, lives in San Andrés and talks about Maximiliano Olmedo. " The Chief of the Federal Police also stated that "The information was received by the FBI in 2018. This is an investigation that began in Michigan, Detroit (USA), where a conversation of several adults appears."

And added in dialogue with the signal TN, What, "Unfortunately, this discussion was organized by Olmedo, where they broadcast and disseminated explicit images of bad with children under 18, most of them girls aged 10 to 14 years old" . Roncaglia confirmed that "The discussion was made up of 10 people, including three from North America and others from different parts of the world."

And he explained the method of capturing minors and images: "The accused had another conversation parallel to that of Detroit with which he made contact with minors, mostly with girls."

"We understand that Olmedo participated in the production by computer, he proceeded to the recruitment and did show to the bads of these minors, who extracted it from this conversation and shared it with the members of the other conversation. " The transmissions were virtually live, " concluded.


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