Details of the new project | Changes concerning …


The new draft of the National Campaign for the Right to Abortion incorporates the definition of "pregnant person", the text having obtained half the sanction of deputies last year. When we establish the scope of the law, we even talk about "all women or other identities with the ability to gester". This also includes "counseling" for people who ask for it by requesting an abortion. In them, they should receive "objective, relevant, accurate, reliable, scientific, up-to-date and secular" information about the practice, and they should also offer contraceptive methods. The text which obtained a half-sanction speaks of "council".

It integrates the intercultural dimension. In the case where the woman or the pregnant person who wishes an abortion speaks a different language, the presence of an interpreter must be guaranteed in order to ensure an effective communication in a respectful environment of the interculturality, proposes the text. On the other hand, it is specified that the law reaches any woman or pregnant woman without distinction of origin, transit, residence or citizenship.

It states that the concept of integral health must be interpreted without exception according to the WHO, that is to say as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not only as an absence of disease or disease. ".

The text which obtained half the sanction of the deputies replaced the article 88 of the Penal Code by the following text, which entailed a reduction of the sentence fixed in 1921: "It will be repressed with a jail sentence of three (3) month to one (1) year a pregnant woman or a person who causes her own abortion or who consents that someone else does so from the fifteenth week of gestation and does not The attempt of the woman or the pregnant person is not punishable.The judge can order the suspension of the sentence according to the reasons that have not been applied in the cases envisaged in article 86 of this code. incited the woman or the pregnant woman to commit the crime, her subsequent attitude, the nature of the event and the badessment of any other circumstance that may justify the inconvenience of the application of the act deprivation of liberty in this case ". This article has been completely removed.

Regarding the penalty imposed on doctors or having practiced abortion, the project approved by the deputies introduced amendments to Article 85 of the Penal Code, reducing the penalty when the practice was with the consent of the woman, without however eliminating it. The wording relating to this hypothesis was as follows: "The person who provokes an abortion shall be repressed (…) with imprisonment of three (3) to one (1) year if it is done with the consent of the woman or woman. Pregnant person and Abortion will take place from the fifteenth week of gestation, provided that the cases provided for in Article 86 of this Code do not play a mediating role. "The new project of the campaign decriminalizes the intervention of doctors when they act with consent.

As in the debate between MPs, the campaign includes a chapter on ESI.


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