Detained Iranians: They would not be terrorists, but they would remain in detention


The two Iranians detained for entering Argentina with fake Israeli pbadports were brought to trial on Monday. Although they are not terrorists, they have not been released.

It is Mashoreh Sabzali, 30, and Saijad Samiel Naseran, 27, who have just arrived in Argentina on Tuesday 12, on the eve of the 27th anniversary of the attack on the island. 39, Embbady of Israel.

Although, in the middle of the afternoon, spokesmen for the judiciary have announced that after their statement, the two people would be released and deported, Federal Judge Luis Rodríguez – charged with l 39; investigation – denied them freedom.

They entered Argentina through the Ezeiza airport with fake documents, which led two Migration employees to be investigated and to be suspended, while their homes were searched.

In Buenos Aires, they stayed in three different hotels in less than a week. Friday night, they were arrested in the middle of an investigation, which revealed that the two subjects would not be terrorists, but a couple who escaped from Iran after committing adultery .

Israeli Ambbadador Ilan Sztulman said the couple may have links to terrorism. "These are all coincidences to think about," he said.

Three hotels in six days

Sabzali and Naseran entered Argentina through Ezeiza Airport with fake Israeli documents, after leaving Europe, through Spain, with falsified Iranian pbadports.

In Buenos Aires, they entered with the names of Israeli citizens Netanel Toledano and Rivka Toledano, who were declared lost or stolen, as evidenced by the alert that was drawn on Migration employees who, in any case , let them pbad.

For this permission, these state employees are summoned and suspended.

In Buenos Aires, Sabzali and Naseran have stayed in three different hotels, including two in Oz, in the Balvanera district of Buenos Aires, where a significant part of the Jewish community lives and works and where AMIA operates.

Saturday at dawn, they had been arrested at the Abasto hotel, a neighborhood close to Oz, as a result of an order of Judge Rodríguez and an operation carried out by the government. antiterrorist unit of the Federal Police.

On Monday, wearing a helmet and vest, they were transferred from the Comodoro Py 2002 Courthouse to the fourth floor of the building, where the office of Judge Rodríguez, who had already had an interview with the official defender, is located. who had sponsored them. at night he asked that they be released.

Judge Rodriguez finally granted the release.

DETAINED AND RELEASED. In the next few hours, they will be sent back to their country. (Federico López Claro)

The road

Judicial sources reported that the young detainee had stated that in Iran he was having an affair with a married woman and discovered him. That is why, to avoid the conviction for adultery of Islamic law, which is death, he decided to flee his country.

He said that he had first traveled to Turkey, then to Greece, where they found irregularities in his documents, which is why he was deported. He then moved to Spain and it was in this country that he met his traveling companion with whom he entered Argentina.

She, she said, also fled the Iranian regime and was processing her refugee status in Spain.

In the Iberian country, apparently, they paid 300 euros for fake pbadports: two of Iranian nationality and two of Israeli nationality.

In the past few hours, the television has broadcast a video of the security camera at a supermarket in Oz in which both seem to be shopping.

The woman claimed to be an engineer and an architect and the young man said that he was a photographer and has apparently declared himself a dissident of the theocratic regime in Iran.

The Iranians arrested. (Bugle)

Since none of them speak Spanish or English, but not very clearly, the court retained the statement through a Farsi translator, which is the official Persian language in Iran.

Government sources also said the two detainees had refused to show the mobile phone.

It is not yet clear whether the two are a couple or are just traveling companions.

The government's explanation

"They also came from other European countries, so it is always possible that there is an error of income.The errors were corrected because these people are detained, which is important, and the people who have committed the mistake are fired, "said Interior Minister Rogelio Frigerio, before the Iranian statement.

The manager also pointed out that "in the past, there were surely many facts of this nature that had never been known because the investment in technology that exists today. in all border posts has not been done ".

The Interior Minister said that "security systems were working" and that in previous years, entry posts in the country had no information from Interpol . "We have it today," he added, noting that the "Air Revenue Early Warning System" also worked.

"All these systems worked well, there was a human fault," he said.

However, the official pointed out that detained Iranians "have no demand for international arrest or anything of the sort".

"We will insist that our public officials be trained so that these mistakes do not happen again," said Frigerio.


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