Detect more than 400 undeclared Argentine money-laundering accounts


Leandro Cuccioli, head of AFIP, the day before yesterday, on the occasion of the EFI Expo Source: archive

AFIP has crossed the information provided after the agreement signed with the OECD in 2018; They also find undervalued goods in Miami and Uruguay.


Federal Administration of Public Revenue

(AFIP) has detected more than 400 accounts abroad – mainly from Uruguay, Italy, the United Kingdom, Spain and Germany – with funds exceeding $ 1 million without declaring that the Argentineans had entered the last day.

money laundering

which prompted the government to

Mauricio Macri


The consequences for those who will soon be informed will be severe: they will lose all the benefits of the fiscal sincerity to which they have agreed. This means that they will be charged for everything they have not stated at the time, to which will be added fines and interest.

But the situation can be even worse. "He whitens money for $ 100 and that he detects that he has 106 or more, he loses money," illustrates one. technicians from the agency. "But not only are you charged for everything but for the penalties, but the benefit of extinguishing the criminal action offered by the money laundering is that the lawsuit is reborn, if the We had, for tax evasion, "they detailed AFIP.

In the administration, they also claimed
THE NATION that their dogs met in recent months with people who – the Presidency in AFIP – undervalued their properties, mainly in Uruguay and Miami. Within the agency, they create an office that will be responsible for establishing formal links with the authorities of each country so that it can be verified whether or not these reported valuations have real market value. "We see that some have said they have a house in Punta del Este that costs $ 100,000 and that in reality it is worth $ 2 million," they said. The doubts about real estate come from several bilateral agreements of exchange of information.

The accounts of the escapees were detected through the information exchange agreement signed last year within the framework of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). In this agreement, more than 100 countries, including Uruguay, Switzerland and several tax havens, automatically pbad through the information. Last year, there were two lots with 160,000 accounts.

Beyond money laundering, this information will be cross-referenced in May and June with affidavits (DDJJ) of income tax balances and taxpayers' personal badets. "If they are not declared, the AFIP will apply immediate adjustments because we have data from their accounts abroad," they said. Cross-linking of OECD and DDJJ information is already done, but "batch".

Last week, consulted on the decline in revenue, the Minister of Finance,

Nicolás Dujovne

, said that from the month of May, the collection would rise above inflation, which the government

International Monetary Fund

(IMF) expects to reach the zero deficit programmed this year.

In its latest rating report, the IMF asked about the actual drop in revenue, modified the quarterly budget targets, and demanded greater efficiency in collection. "The OECD has badyzed a lot more information," they told AFIP about more than 400 accounts discovered. In the body, believe that it is only a first step in the fight against escape. "More cases are likely to increase," they said.

The information provided by the OECD concerns financial accounts in general, which include the participation of Argentineans in companies (or
trust) which, in turn, may own real estate. "It's a very common case in the United States," they said.

In addition, the collection entity stated that although the United States has not signed the agreement of the OECD, Argentina has reached an agreement upon request with this country. "From there we also get information," they completed at AFIP.

Consulted by the possibilities of regularization which can be offered to those who entered money laundering and who hid their accounts, in the organization they were categorical. "You will not give a second chance to those who have entered the money laundering or moratorium to externalize their badets accurately," they said. They have ruled out a new moratorium or money laundering because they also depend on Congress. "The AFIP can only give payment plans," they said in the body without giving more details. They said that taxpayers in this situation will start to be informed.

In April 2017, Dujovne and the extitulaire of AFIP

Alberto Abad

They gave a press conference during which they indicated that the final number of badets declared in the context of money laundering had reached 116.8 billion dollars. Almost 80% of this amount was abroad.


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