Detect the first case of the new strain of coronavirus in Germany


The health authorities of the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg, in southern Germany, reported on Thursday the first confirmed case of the British variant of the coronavirus.

This is a woman who arrived last Sunday from the UK and entered Germany through Frankfurt airport.

In a press release published by the newspaper Pforzheimer Journal, the regional health ministry clarified that rapid tests were carried out on all passengers at the airport immediately after the plane from London Heathrow landed, “who in the case of the affected person tested positive “.

The woman was picked up from the airport by a relative and has been in solitary confinement since then. To confirm the diagnosis, PCR was performed on Monday, which also tested positive. That same day, he started to have mild symptoms.

A postcard from Berlin in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic.  Photo by Reuters

A postcard from Berlin in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. Photo by Reuters

Three people who were in close contact with the affected person are now in quarantine, although at this time it has not been confirmed that they have been infected.

The tests carried out on the woman were sent to the central laboratory of the Berlin clinic of Charité to sequence the virus. This Thursday, the laboratory confirmed that it was the variant of the B.1.1.7 virus.

Just days ago, the Italian government reported the first case of a person infected with the new strain, and due to its emergence, it has prevented flights from that country from being suspended.

Source: agencies.



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