detected the first case in Argentina of the British variant


The British variant of the coronavirus you are already in the country: was detected in an Argentine citizen residing abroad, who came to Ezeiza at the end of the year from Germany no symptoms but tested positive for Covid.

The announcement was made by the Minister of Science and Technology, Roberto Salvarezza. According to the official report, the variant was detected with an Argentinian citizen residing in Great Britain, but what had I done business trips to Austria and Germany at the last moment.

Precisely, his arrival in the country took place on a flight arrived in Ezeiza from the German city of Frankfurt at the end of December. A few days earlier, and due to the appearance of this variant, the government had suspended the arrival of flights from the United Kingdom. The measure was then extended to those of Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark and Australia. The restriction, however, it did not reach the regular services provided by other European countries.

According to the official report, the Argentine passenger arrived in Ezeiza without symptoms of Covid. But he tested positive in the saliva test taken at the airport, a diagnosis that then it was ratified with a PCR test. Currently meet quarantine at an address in the city of Buenos Aires.

In the last weeks New variants of the coronavirus have been confirmed in the UK, South Africa and Brazil. The latter, called Rio de Janeiro, It is also present in Argentina.

British variant of coronavirus suspected it’s much more contagious although it has not been proven – so far – to be more lethal. The strain is has already been detected in 54 countries, including two from South America: Brazil and Chile.

The discovery of the UK variant in Argentina takes place amid a huge increase in the cases of coronavirus in the country: yesterday – according to the report of the Ministry of Health – they were confirmed 12,332 newly infected and 103 deaths have been reported. The increase is reflected in a statistical data that worries: between the last 14 days of December and the first January 14 infections increased by 44%.

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