Developer: Cats recognize your name and do not obey on purpose


The authors of the study examined 78 cats from Japanese homes and a cat-cafe (Coffee of cats) to study their ability to understand words. In this way, the owner or one of the researchers told the animal four different words followed by his name.

They wanted to detect whether the cat was responding to his name by moving his ears, head or tail or vocalising, if he reacted in the same way as the other words, or if he had diminishing reactions to those that he heard before his own name.

"The domestic cat It's an individualistic and independent animal because of its origin, because it comes from the African wildcat, which is a solitary animal, while the dog comes from the wolf, which is gregarious ", justifies Paula Calvo, ethologist at the chair of the Affinity Animal Foundation, on the reason for which they do not answer.

The proof of this, says Calvo, is that there are trained cats who respond to commands and work in advertising or pet therapy programs. And he adds that there are also some owners who have learned a few words to their cat "and simply saying" I will give you food ", they ask the cat to understand it and go into the area where he eats. "


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