Dialogue with the opposition, sanctions and “a new UN”: dictator Maduro’s speech to the General Assembly


Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro spoke through video in front of the UN General Assembly (Photo: REUTERS / Eduardo Munoz)
Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro spoke through video in front of the UN General Assembly (Photo: REUTERS / Eduardo Munoz)

After several years, the Venezuelan dictator Nicolas maduro it was presented again this Wednesday before the UN General Assembly. But he didn’t do it in person at the agency’s headquarters in New York, but virtually, from Caracas. In his speech, he referred to the process of dialogue he maintains with the opposition in Mexico, again called for the lifting of international sanctions against the Chavista regime, and called for “a new UN”.

“We have set up several round tables for dialogue with the economic, trade union and political sectors, we have endorsed the path of dialogue, but above all we have set up a national round table for peace in Mexico City”, said the Bolivarian president, who is responsible for a $ 15 million award in the United States by anyone who provides information for his capture for the charges against him narco-terrorism and Corruption.

Despite his desire for dialogue, Maduro once again accused “the most extremist opposition sectors” of having attempted “a coup in Venezuela”: “They appeased a foreign invasion of our land, they made plans to assassinate me. We have succeeded in putting them back on the path to election, on the path to the Constitution ”.

Nicolás Maduro's research plaque published by the United States
Nicolás Maduro’s research plaque published by the United States

The dictator thanked the guarantor countries for their mediation Mexico, Norway, Russia and The Netherlands, and called for the support of the UN “for the dialogue process to progress towards new partial and comprehensive agreements to strengthen peace and the integral recovery of Venezuela ”.

Maduro took advantage of his intervention before the international community to question once again the sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union against the Chavist regime, which is accused in various courts and tribunals of human rights violations and crimes against humanity.

“We have filed complaints with organizations on numerous occasions, and today we are referring them to the United Nations General Assembly. Venezuela denounces a fierce campaign and a permanent and systematic aggression through economic, financial and oil sanctions, through a persecution against the right to economic freedom, the economic rights that all the peoples of the world should enjoy ”, he said. -He underlines.

“That all criminal sanctions against the Venezuelan economy be lifted by the United States and the countries of the European Union. We say it on behalf of 30 million Venezuelans and Venezuelans. We thank the countries of the United Nations for having made progress in this objective, ”added the Venezuelan dictator, who accused the United Kingdom of having“ kidnapped and blocked ”the gold from Venezuela’s international reserves in London, and pointed out blame Washington and Brussels for freezing billions of dollars in bank accounts.

The Cuban regime, the main ally of Chavismo and of great interference in Venezuela, is also calling for the lifting of sanctions. Maduro expressed his “solidarity and support” for the dictatorship of Miguel Díaz-Canel “by demanding that all blocking measures be immediately lifted”. “Venezuela is also raising its voice for justice and humanity for Cuba.”

At the end of his speech, Maduro addressed the issue of climate change: “We have said in the organizations in charge of climate change that a practical and verifiable response to action against greenhouse gases is urgent, against global warming of seas and environments, against all phenomena of climate change ”.

The Chavista dictatorship continues to demand the lifting of international sanctions (Photo: REUTERS / Carlos García Rawlins)
The Chavista dictatorship continues to demand the lifting of international sanctions (Photo: REUTERS / Carlos García Rawlins)

The Venezuelan dictator also asserted that one of the global challenges today is the construction of “a new world“:” A new world which is reborn to put an end to the old hegemonies, with the pretensions of some to set themselves up as policemen of the peoples of the world. “

In this sense, he indicated that “A new world needs a new UN”: “It is the hour of freedom, of sovereignty, of a new world, which needs a new UN, so that we can all share the solidarity and the just and necessary path of a new community . “

Desperate by the recognition of the international community, which mainly considers Juan Guaidó, head of the National Assembly, the legitimate president of Venezuela, the dictator Maduro surprised this weekend by his presence in Mexico to participate in the Celac summit.

There he had close ties with Presidents Mario Abdo Benítez (Paraguay), Luis Lacalle Pou (Uruguay) and Guillermo Lasso (Ecuador), who strongly condemned the regimes of Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua.

In this context, the Venezuelan dictator called Abdo Benítez and Lacalle Pou with a debate on democracy. “We deeply believe in the dialogue of diverse people. I say to the President of Paraguay: “Set the date, place and time for a debate on democracy”. In Paraguay, Venezuela and Latin America. And we are ready to give it away. You put the place, ”he began. And followed: “Or put Lacalle the date and place. Or you López Obrador. And Venezuela is ready to debate democracy, freedoms, resistance, revolution and what needs to be debated in front of the people, live and live, or in private. As you wish. With respect and without exclusions”.

Read on:

Luis Lacalle Pou in front of the UN Assembly: “Uruguay is opening up more to the world”
LIVE: Racism and climate crisis mark agenda for second day of UN General Assembly
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