Diario Extra – 9 dissidents of the FARC killed



In operation of the Colombian army

Last Thursday, it was announced that a group of dissidents led by Iván Márquez

Bogota Colombia. AFP – The Colombian government on Friday announced the death of nine guerrillas who left the peace pact, the day after ordering an offensive against the armed uprising of a group of former FARC commanders.

Defense Minister Guillermo Botero reported on Twitter that the nine rebels belonged to dissolved guerrilla dissidents and had been killed in the rural areas of San Vicente del Caguán (south). "The criminals are warned: they surrender or they will be defeated," said the official on Twitter.

Among the dead is "Gildardo Cucho", leader of the attacked organization, said President Iván Duque in a statement from Sincelejo (north).

"I have authorized (…) an offensive operation against this group of residual narco-terrorist criminals of what is called the FARC and which are part of the penal structures that seek to defy Colombia", did he declare.

Duque added that the military coup was a "clear message" addressed to the leaders of the former guerrilla group who announced yesterday their return to arms, saying that "the betrayal" of the peace agreements signed in 2016 had led to the disarmament of most of the armed forces. FARC and its entry into politics as a party.

Gildardo Cucho was "a criminal dedicated to drug smuggling, kidnapping, intimidation of social leaders and who wanted to be part of this threatening structure that was presented yesterday in the country as a new guerrilla, which is not the case. is not, "said the president.




Friday, August 30, 2019

TIME: 11:32



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