Diario Extra – Dad denounces the fact that "the food is not a private property"



Vatican City, March 27 (EFE). dad Francisco today asked to think of the many "hungry children" that exist in the world and denounced the fact that "the food is not a private property", during the general audience that it's held on the Plaza de San Pedro.

The Argentine pontiff continued his reflections on the prayer of the Lord's Prayer and stopped on the following sentence: "Give us our daily bread".

"We think of the children of the countries at war: the starving children of Yemen, the hungry children of Syria, the hungry children of many countries where there is no bread in South Sudan, we weigh these children and think to them together, we say aloud the prayer: "Father, give us today the bread of every day," he said.

He recalled the value of these words in parts of the world where there is nothing to eat.

"How many mothers and fathers, even today, sleep with the torment of not having enough bread for their children tomorrow! We imagine that this prayer is recited not in the safety of a comfortable apartment, but in the precariousness of a room we adapt where there is not enough life, "he said.

Francisco stressed that the need to "feel in my hunger" also the hunger of many who still lacks what is needed today.

Because, he stressed, "food is not a property, we enter well in his head, but a providence to share with the grace of God".

In greetings in Spanish, the dad He prayed the Lord "not to deprive us of our daily bread and to help us understand that it is not a private property but, aided by His grace, it is a providence to share and a opportunity to meet others poor and needy. "


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