Diario Extra – Dad says giving more paper to women would not solve the abuse


Vatican City, (EFE) .- Pope Francis today said that giving more office to women in the Church would not solve the problem of badual abuse, but said that the "style" of the women should be integrated with the thought of the institution.

"It is not a matter of giving women more functions in the Church, yes, it is good, but that would not solve the problem." integrate women as a figure of the Church in our thinking, "said the pope.

Francisco commented on today's intervention at the pinnacle of pederasty of the canon law expert, Linda Ghisoni, under-secretary of the Dicastery of the Laity, Family and Life , who was the first woman to speak at this meeting of church hierarchs celebrated at the Vatican.

The pontiff said that "inviting a woman to speak, this is not going to enter the form of an ecclesiastical feminism, because in the end all feminism ends up being a machismo with skirts ".

"Inviting a woman to talk about the wounds of the Church, is inviting the Church to talk about herself, about her wounds," he added, while stating that it was necessary to adopt the "style" of a church. "wife, wife and mother".

"Without this style, we will speak of the people of God as an organization, as a union force, but not as a family born of the Mother Church," he continued.

A few days ago on the eve of the summit of bishops convened by Francisco to address the problem of badual abuse in the Church, a group of former religious, activists and victims advocated a "vision to find solutions to this scourge. .

These activists, members of the "Voices of Faith" badociation, seek to recognize the ability of women to hold positions of responsibility within the Catholic Church, until the end of the year. here practically reserved for men.

"This global crisis of abuse has shown that ecclesiastical authorities need a feminine perspective," they said.

The dadFor his part, he recently acknowledged that many nuns suffer and have been badually abused by priests and bishops.


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