Díaz Canel ratified Venezuela's support and warned against "sinister plans" – Telam


Cuban President Miguel Diaz Canel has ratified support for Nicolás Maduro's Venezuelan government and has once again announced the end of "false pretenses to cover sinister plans".

"Venezuela is not alone, hands over the country, enough false pretexts to cover grim plans, humanitarian aid, poor people need so many military bases and so many of them. imperial aggression, enough cynicism, "said the Cuban leader on his Twitter account.

He badured in another message that Cuba is with Venezuela "against the media war, against the conventional and unconventional war.

Last Wednesday, also on Twitter, Díaz Canel said: "In Venezuela, dignity is defended and the fate of the right to peace in Latin America, the Caribbean and the rest of the world is decided." We must all face imperialism and demand the hands outside of Venezuela. "


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