Dick Morris: "I recommended to Espert a secret weapon for change: young people"


The US counselor strongly criticized Macri and said that most do not like the candidate who votes Source: LA NACION – Credit: Ignacio Sánchez

The American political adviser
Dick Morris, what
joined in recent days at the

presidential campaign


José Luis Espert,

It works on a strategy to "penetrate the polarization". He believes that the liberal economist, who has never held a position nor been a candidate, can make a surprising breakthrough in politics. Ensures that in Argentina, as in the

United Kingdom

and the

United States,

there is also a "hidden vote".

Former adviser to Bill Clinton and Nigel Farage, Brexit leader, he worked with

Fernando de la Rúa

in 1999, with

Hannibal Ibarra

in 2000 – both won – and with

Mauricio Macri

in 2003, when he was defeated. Today, Morris describes the Argentine political system as an "anomaly" because "the majority votes for a candidate that he does not like". "I've never seen such a thing," he says.

– He came to the Espert countryside last week. What did you recommend?

-In Argentina, 70% vote for Kirchner or Macri. But 65% of people do not like Macri. And 70% do not like Kirchner. In other words, most Argentines do not like the person for whom they vote. It's the first time I see something like this. This is an anomaly. To get into this system, I've recommended to Espert a secret weapon, which brings an incredible change: the young ones.

– Do you think the young people would support Espert?

-Go to a university campus or spend time on the street with young people and discuss with them. They will say that all politicians are full of shit, with the exception of Espert. Because really, it's the guy who tells you how it's going. Trump had a vote that no one paid attention to, no one knew that they were alive. And then everyone came out and voted. The same thing happened with Jair Bolsonaro.

-What is the percentage of young people who support them, according to their measures?

– Children under 25 years account for one third of the total number of voters and Espert holds 15% of the votes of young people. Kirchner is only one or two points above. Macri is downstairs and Lavagna too. Espert will make sure that a majority of very young people, which will give him the opportunity to get support outside the system, gets into the artificially polarized system.

-What numbers do you plan to overcome the crack?

-In the primaries, Espert does not need to get more votes than Kirchner or Macri. You just have to get more votes than Lavagna. And Macri must finish second of 7 points. So, everyone will say, "Wow, look at Espert, strengthening, where do his constituents come from?"

-All surveys indicate a tie between Macri and Fernández.

-Your young vote will be a revolution, like that of Bolsonaro in Brazil, Trump in the United States or Brexit in Great Britain. People will say, "Macri can not beat Kirchner, and if we keep Macri, we go get Kirchner, we have to get rid of Macri and nominate who can win." And there is Espert.

Morris says that Espert has 15% of the young votes
Morris says that Espert has 15% of the young votes Source: LA NACION – Credit: Ignacio Sánchez

-Espert has 8 points of intention to vote, Macri has about 30.

-Macri has 65% disapproval. People will not vote for him. And the key is that we have this new law in Argentina, the PASO, which is a survey with a 100% mandatory sample, to which everyone pays special attention. Nobody can ignore them. And they are the ones who will win us. Everyone votes for what he wants, then there is another choice.

-How will they get the support of young people to win the STEP?

-We have a secret way to do it: social networks. The political parties have prepared an agreement to control the elections. They have ensured that no one has money to pay for television, with the exception of the two big forces, because that time is based on the outcome of the last election. Social networks are the way to escape this logic.

The first announcements of the campaign of José Luis Espert – Source: YouTube


– In what other aspects does Espert compare with Trump and Bolsonaro?

-Only on the question of the hidden vote. As for the rest of the subjects, they are very different, there is no comparison possible. Espert believes in democracy and order in an election, Trump believes that it is not important. I worked very hard in the Brexit campaign with my client Nigel Ferage. The whole British establishment said: "Oh, Brexit is terrible, miserable." But people who were not rich and had no power, even liberals and workers, suddenly came out and made us win. Everyone was surprised. They wondered, "How could this happen here?"

Espert seeks to defeat Lavagna to be third in the STEP
Espert seeks to defeat Lavagna to be third in the STEP Credit: Twitter Espert

– Is it possible in three weeks to defeat Lavagna and to be third of the STEP?

-We have Lavagna about 12%. It is possible to download four points in three weeks.

– You advised Macri for the 2003 elections, during which he was beaten. Was he surprised when he arrived at the presidency?

-No, I think he's succeeding because there's always a Kirchner somewhere. Otherwise, nobody would support you. He is incompetent, he can not run a submarine, he can not manage the trade, he can not make the pension system solvent or control inflation, nor accelerate the tax reform that most countries have conducted. . He's a rich boy who never does his homework and never pays attention to his studies. He never needed to be muddy and work hard. He has terrible habits of study, work. He has always triumphed for his father, for money or for Kirchner 's reputation.

-Why do you think Macri has the support of Trump?

-Trump is eager to beat Kirchner because of his role against the United States. She is anti-American, would she support anyone who could beat her?

– Do you think that Espert could get your support after STEP?

-Yes, he would support all those who beat Kirchner.



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