Dictator Nicolás Maduro assured that the dialogue with the Venezuelan opposition was progressing: “I think we are doing well”.


Dictator Nicolás Maduro spoke after voting in the Chavista primary (REUTERS / Leonardo Fernandez Viloria)
Dictator Nicolás Maduro spoke out after voting in the Chavista primary (REUTERS / Leonardo Fernandez Viloria)

The Venezuelan dictator, Nicolas maduro, assured this Sunday that the dialogue with the sector of the opposition led by Juan Guaidó and which will have Mexico as its seat is going “well”, and asked that other opposition groups join the negotiating table , which he did not mention.

“I believe that in the political dialogue for peace with the Guaidocist opposition, we are doing well”said the Chavist president after having voted in the primary elections of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) of which he is a member.

He explained that this negotiation “has already been the subject of a document” and that “the agenda is currently under debate”.

“There are seven titles on the agenda which are being debated and in the coming days the date and place of the meeting will be announced, the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador has offered to Mexico and we have the full support of Mexico for the peace talks with the Guaidocist opposition, I hope the date is fixed and the exact place indicated “Maduro pointed out.

That same week, several members of the opposition assured that the date for the start of negotiations was August 13, but, according to the dictator, the date has not yet been set.

In this regard, he reiterated his requests that in addition to the lifting of sanctions, the “recognition of the legitimate authorities of Venezuela”, the “renunciation of violence” and a fourth that he added today: “that all oppositions be incorporated”.

Juan Guaidó proposed a national salvation agreement that includes dialogue with the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro (EFE / Rayner Peña R)
Juan Guaidó proposed a national salvation agreement that includes dialogue with the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro (EFE / Rayner Peña R)

Later, he stressed that his government believes “in dialogue as a means, as a means to harmonize society, to listen to each other, to understand each other”.

“It has always been so, on so many occasions since I became President, the word I have spoken the most in any speech is the word political dialogue, negotiation, agreement, harmonization and union. This is how it is, ”he added.

On the other hand, he assured that He has “no communication with the White House”, despite the fact that at the time of former President Donald Trump he had “a lot of communication with the White House”. “Those who have communications with the government of the United States, it is the Guaidocist opposition (of Juan Guaidó) which belongs to them (the Americans), they are subordinate and obey the mandates and the designs of the American government and the elites. “, he underlined.

For his part, he referred to the primary elections organized this Sunday by the PSUV to elect its candidates for November 21. He felt that “they mark a historic milestone”.

According to him, this process, in which activists and sympathizers without a permit can vote, he “opened the doors of the big house” which he regards as his part so that “between its real owner, the man and the woman on foot”. He explained that this is a sample of “direct, participatory and true democracy” and underlined that in Chavismo they believe “in the way of voting” since 1997.

They have not left this path, he continued, even though they “have gone through everything that has to happen” including coups, sabotage, “economic warfare and attempted assassination, among others “.

Chavismo organized internal elections for the regional elections called by the Maduro dictatorship for November (REUTERS / Leonardo Fernandez Viloria)
Chavismo organized internal elections for the regional elections called by the Maduro dictatorship for November (REUTERS / Leonardo Fernandez Viloria)

“We could have had a thousand excuses (…) to say no, not for the moment (there are elections) and it has never been like that”, he commented.

Finally, Maduro, who has shown his confidence in the National Electoral Council (CNE) which organizes the primaries, explained that he “thought of proposing that the primary elections be included in the electoral law so that they are compulsory”.

“I think that this open primary election, as a historic step, a crucial step in the step which opens in Venezuela in 2021, is a tremendous contribution to the consolidation of peace and political dialogue,” he said. he concluded.

Chavismo organized the primaries this Sunday with views in the regional ones organized by the dictatorship of Maduro. Elections for which the Guaidó government has not yet confirmed its presence, waiting to confirm the participation of international observation.

The President of the Chavist National Assembly, Jorge rodriguez, said on Sunday that he hoped that “representatives of the European Union (EU)” will attend the local and regional elections in this Caribbean country on November 21, although he did not specify whether they were observers or companions.

“I hope that representatives from the European Union, the United Nations and the Carter Center will come to the elections on November 21, 2021 to see how an election plays out with an absolutely transparent, secure and efficient electoral system,” Rodríguez said after to have voted in the Primary PSUV.

Last July, a technical mission from the European Union (EU) visited Venezuela to assess whether it is possible to deploy another observation mission for the upcoming elections in November. During their visit they met the Chancellor Jorge Arreaza, with Rodríguez, and with various members of the opposition such as Carlos Ocariz placeholder image, who is part of the Primero Justicia party, as the double presidential candidate Henrique Capriles.

With information from the EFE


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