Did people from other worlds cause power outages in Venezuela? | Chronic


By Leo Schwarz
[email protected]

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has been experiencing a deep political, institutional, social and economic crisis for several months, even to the point of having two presidents. And for the moment, no potential solution is envisaged, in the middle of an impoverished country, broken by deep cracks among the followers of the Nicolás Maduro, the complicated president who is being hacked daily by an external front that leads the United States and who is demanding his resignation, as well as by the local opposition, which embodies the other president who, appointed by the National Assembly, tries to dethrone the chavist.

Thus, in the midst of this chaos, the power cuts, between failures and sabotage, added even more confusion to a people divided between support and radical change between the two factions. In this context, the biggest power outage in the country's history has affected many people, complicating the provision of essential services in hospitals and clinics, as well as crippling everything and posing serious problems. Drinking water supply. This is the reason why many citizens took to the streets, many to protest vehemently, as well as to try to be self-sufficient.

And although Maduro blamed the cut intentionally, he even denounced the fact that supplies were affected with the latest generation systems from the United States. of "corruption" of the managers. And what does all this have to do with the supplement of Paranormal Phenomena? Is there, in the midst of such confusion and cross-complaints, there are those who claim that repeated power outages have to do with several UFO sightings, which does not stop not to surprise the rest of the world.

As if that was not enough …

February 16, weeks before the big blackout, Friman Rodríguez He returned home from La Puerta, in the Venezuelan state of Trujillo, when he recorded the moment when a UFO landed at an impressive speed. According to familiar accounts, the man stopped his vehicle on the road and recorded the strange object zigzagging in the sky until it descends and stops. Although it is not possible to clearly perceive the images that were disclosed, the protagonist of this story states that they were close to where the UFO was and may have to be landed, but that they had no intention of getting out of the car and pursuing it.

When confronting the microphones and making his first statements, Rodríguez confessed: "At first, I did not pay much attention because I thought it was a reflection of the Sun, but I suddenly realized that the Sun was to the left and much lower." Immediately, the light began to move In zigzag, I called my sleeping cousin and told him to record.He started recording while I was taking the pictures.I felt happy to record it and continue. I did not trust to come back and stay to see something that I do not know how I could finish. "

Rodriguez confirmed that it was the first time that he had to live an episode of this nature, but revealed in turn that his father had seen a similar object on two other occasions. In addition, he and his cousin stated that they felt unusually exhausted and numb after this strange meeting and that his relative was very head sick, so intense that he had had to go to the hospital. hospital soon after to see a doctor. The hospital's doctors could not establish an accurate diagnosis or detect the cause of the discomfort felt by this person, who during these hours is still affected by what happened.

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Some countries are sometimes more subject to UFO sightings. We still do not know if this effect is produced by the belief of society, or simply by the fact that extraterrestrials choose certain cultures or by strange events. The truth is that Venezuela, so far this year, seems to have been invaded by a series of episodes of the UFO phenomenon known through social networks and which have generated a huge repercussion. Since last March 9, Venezuelans from different cities have managed to observe strange ships, day and night, including landings and the appearance of crop circles (the famous Crop Circles). The capital Caracas and towns as far away as Barquisimeto, in the state of Lara, Ciudad Guayana or Trujillo.

It all began on Saturday, March 9, when residents of Ciudad Bolívar reported a strange event in the lagoon of La Lorena. At this location, the reeds seemed twisted, forming a giant eight (or symbol of the infinite) in the ground. Some spoke of a crater caused by the fall of a meteorite in the state of Bolívar but, in this case, it can not be explained why the reeds of the crop seemed bent, as was the case with the wheat fields of England. Meanwhile, a group of young people traveling by road from Trujillo to Barquisimeto could see with astonishment how a powerful light, at five o'clock in the afternoon, descended on some fields.

Already on March 25, the last sighting that flooded with videos on different social networks took place, exactly when there was a big blackout. It was then that several inhabitants of Lara state were able to see an incandescent, huge light, which remained motionless in the sky for several minutes to disappear later to the west.

Finally, on March 31, while there was another major power outage in the Venezuelan capital, a group of three young students, parked from the interior balcony of a low rise building in the vertical quarter, while reducing the heat At the time of the power failure, they were surprised to see a kind of circular ship barely lit by intermittent lights of green, red and white, which moved slowly and at high altitude, through some clouds, while it was dark. Other neighbors in the area claimed to have seen the same thing, but in any case, they did not record any photos taken with their mobile phone because they did not have the time and others preferred to take care of batteries, as they had not had electricity for several hours and feared to remain incommunicado.

Russian scientists investigate the case in Ciudad Bolívar

Despite the fact that most people would like to convincingly demonstrate that aliens and ships come from other worlds, it is hard to convince skeptics, especially in the absence of conclusive evidence or because the sources presumed observations are unreliable. . When the UFO phenomenon appears, the premise seems to be "see to believe". It is also true that two world powers, the United States and Russia, have a direct influence on observations. In this context, and given the enmity of the Yankee government that directs Donald Trump with Nicolás Maduro, it was not surprising that it was the Russians who crossed the Atlantic Ocean with the eagerness to look for evidence of the huge number of cases taking place on Venezuelan soil, where power outages are not going not matched with the largest oil reserve in the world.

This is precisely the arrival of Russian scientists sent by Vladimir Poutine it unleashed a wave of unimaginable rumors, from the most unusual to the most curious, reported by media such as El Universal, El Aragüeño and Diario 2001, among others. The journalist Nelson González, from a local news network, explained that "Arrived a communication unit, scientists and the Russian Federal Space Agency.A colleague in Ciudad Bolivar confirms that part of the Russian team is already conducting an investigation in a perimeter of Lake Lorena, where the alleged landing For those who are unaware, on March 7, on the eve of the national power outage, several sightings were reported, as well as an alien extraterrestrial landing on this site. think the UFO caused this blackout, although Maduro not knowing what to explain, that's why he blames the United States ". Will the Russians be left with the truth of the case?


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