Did you go to work without breakfast? These are the consequences that not having breakfast can cause


Many people are unaware of the consequences of not having lunch and continue to ignore this main meal.

Although recent years have been dominant in healthy diets, some still underestimate the effects it causes in the body.

In fact, some still think that not eating is a way to "save calories". lose weight more easily. However, far from producing it, skipping breakfast affects overweight and other issues that reduce the quality of life.

It is therefore essential to start incorporating it into everyday habits and, most importantly, to make sure that it is good. quality Do you know what is going on for not having lunch? On this occasion, we want to examine in detail its main consequences. Check it out!

1. You Feel Without Energy

For optimal physical and mental performance during the day, it is essential to "recharge" the body with a good breakfast. Therefore, one of the consequences of not having breakfast is a strong feeling of tiredness and drowsiness that can last all day.

But beware, it's not worth replacing it with a simple coffee with biscuits. If the goal is to provide "fuel" to the body, it must be composed of an appropriate combination of nutrients rich in essential nutrients.

2. Increase your glucose levels

Nutrients that are obtained from breakfast foods are crucial in controlling glucose levels. Thus, when they are not consumed on time, or replaced by unhealthy alternatives, the insulin concentration decreases and the body accumulates more sugar.

This problem is quite alarming, especially for those who have risk factors for diabetes. If it is not resolved quickly, the increase in glucose may also affect other symptoms and conditions.

3. You are more hungry than one of the consequences of not having breakfast

One of the consequences of not having breakfast that affects the increase in body weight is the feeling d & # 39; anxiety. Although at first, it seems that "calories are saved" by not consuming them, this later leads to excesses after causing an insatiable desire to eat.

4. The Emotional Alterations of Sufres

The lack of nutrients produced by missing this first meal of the day can affect emotional exits. Since good quality foods contain substances that affect well-being, a mediocre breakfast is a trigger for stress and irritability, says Informe21

Therefore, if in recent days these emotions intervene in the professional or family life, it is convenient to review the plan. In addition, it is appropriate to include at breakfast foods that stimulate serotonin: bitter chocolate, banana, avocado, among others.

Your immune system weakens

The nutritional contribution from breakfast positively interferes with the strengthening of the immune system. For this reason, neglecting this food can lead to a weakening of its functions, which makes the body more vulnerable to infections.

6. You develop digestive problems

Slow digestion and constipation are other consequences of not having breakfast. Although there are many factors that can influence its development, the lack of nutrients given by not eating this main course can be its trigger.

It is essential that breakfast includes sources of dietary fiber, fatty acids, and water. This combination helps to regulate intestinal functions and promotes the expulsion of body waste. In addition, it regulates the pH of the bacterial flora and reduces the risk of gastritis and indigestion.

7. You Have More Risk Of Heart Disease

According to a study from the Harvard School of Public Health, men who do not eat breakfast are at 27% more likely to suffer from heart disease. a heart attack or severe coronary artery disease

Apparently, not having breakfast can lead to the development of diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. # 39; hypertension. All of these factors directly affect the health risks to the heart and brain. However, the researchers said that a daily breakfast can serve as a preventative habit.

Do you have breakfast every day? Is your breakfast full and balanced? Now that you know the consequences of not having breakfast, try to plan it with foods of high nutritional value. Also remember that your caloric content should be 25% of the body's daily needs.

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