Diego Brancatelli and his criticism of Kirchnerism: "They were very ungrateful"


The journalist Diego Brancatelli badured that part of Kirchnerism was "very thankless" to him. Especially, in the most difficult moments that he had to live, according to him, to defend the direction of Cristina Kirchner. "They stole me in the street, they threatened me at home, they threw me work and I have never received a call for confinement nor gratitude, "he pulled indignantly.

Consulted by Infobae, the panelist Intratables He said that when critics emanate from Kirchnerism, "they hurt more". "They do not recognize your loyalty, you do not recognize that you put their thumbs. You realize that when these bad things happen to you, who's near or who's not, and who's never been, "he added.

Less than a month ago, Brancatelli experienced an uncomfortable episode when a couple scolded him on the Unicenter Mall parking lot. A man recognized him and blamed him for not being able to buy in this mall. "You have to go to the village, you're not welcome," he said annoyed. And when the reporter asked him why anger, he replied: "You are a trash kichnerista"

During the interview, the panelist defended against those who claimed that he had been tasked with defending Cristina's leadership. "Nobody has ever paid me. They never gave me any order, "he said, adding that he had the" moral and ideological "freedom to support any candidate, that he Whether or not linked to the space of the former president.

In this same vein, Brancatelli recalled the intersection he had with the governor of Buenos Aires, María Eugenia Vidal in intractable, before the legislative elections of 2017, and the friction that meant for him with a sector of the Kirchnerismo. "The maximum unfair charge that I received had to be functional for Vidal when I asked the question, that he responded very well and that he had three million reproductions when we were closed, so nothing could be done. This is the most unfair accusation that I directed against Aníbal Fernández and Anita Montanaro, his troll pay They are paid activists, they are not authentic ", concluded.


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