Diego Maradona signed a document for me to pack …


“Diego was very interested in the meaning. More than being alive ”. The phrase was spoken by whoever was present at the time, 40 days before his death, when Diego Maradona signed a striking document. He set in motion a series of warrants, of which after his death – at that time he did not foresee it so closely – his body would be embalmed and exhibited in a museum with all the trophies, t-shirts and objects that he gathered during his career. . Maradona was shocked by Lenin’s mausoleum in Moscow’s Red Square, where the body of the leader of the Russian revolution is on display, but he was also influenced by the decision to embalm the body of Hugo Chávez. El Diez also signed an authorization for a deal to be made with famous artistic director Javier Grosman., who directed the magical events of the bicentenary and designed Tecnópolis, with the mandate to assemble the museum. But not just the museum: bars from all over the world – they would be called Bodegón Maradona – posters with his most famous phrases, merchandising, a tour of Maradona in Buenos Aires, a traveling museum, videos and dozens of ‘other projects.

In progress

All these ideas, which could seem delusional, were not really left to the imagination, but put into action. Maradona’s order to his lawyer Matías Morla was to enter into a dialogue with an expert in embalming. In this context, for example, I had some confusion. He said: “I want something similar to Stalin”, really referring to Lenin. He was also not very clear about the process that was carried out on Hugo Chávez’s body, but he knew that it was also – by mistake – embalmed, and Russian specialists have already determined that it was not It was not possible to repair it because it was damaged. In any case, Maradona was serious: the text signed by El Diez on October 13 of this year says: “After a thorough analysis I want to express my wish that after my death my body will be embalmed and exhibited in the said museum, surrounded by my maximum trophies, personal items and dear memories continue to receive the affection of the people of this place ”.

The lawyers consulted by this newspaper, experts in inheritance, considered that the document It was not signed in front of a notary or with witnesses, nor handwritten, conditions required for this mandate to be legally valid. So there is only one wish, a sort of moral mandate, which successors may or may not fulfill.

This diary also spoke to those who provide the embalming service and there is a coincidence that it can be done even after a while, but it is also true that over weeks and months it becomes Harder and harder. It is also not known what is the will of his heirs in a succession process that has just started.


Regarding the museum and the other projects mentioned in the text, work has started and a team led by Javier Grosman intervened. Lately, there has been a lot of talk about a container left in a Beccar nursery with all the objects that Maradona had collected. Grosman’s team accessed the container and the photos accompanying this note are just a small sample of what could be on display in the museum Maradona imagined. According to what was discussed with the Diez, the idea was to summon artists from different parts of the world to participate in the creations and create a Maradonian climate.

But the idea was gigantic and included many other projects:

*Bars around the world, which would be called Still lifes Maradona. With sets, designs and even dishes designed according to what the star wanted.

*Merchandising of all kinds, also with creations by international artists.

*A Maradona tour through Buenos Aires and possibly Naples.

*Posters with some of Diego’s famous phrases. “The turtle escaped you”; “I was born in a private district, deprived of water, electricity, food”; “Pele made her debut with a child and beat the woman.”

*Use the music and videos recorded by Maradona. Among others with Joan Manuel Serrat, Joaquín Sabina, Manu Chao, Andrés Calamaro, Rodrigo Bueno, El Potro, Ulises, Gustavo Cordera.

* Already thousands and thousands of videos plays by Maradona or moments from Ten’s life.

*And of course, the traveling museum. In other words, an exhibition that would travel the world with a synthesis of everything that is listed and everything that is put together by renowned artists in each country. The idea was not to display a balloon or a t-shirt, but to surround the object with a story completed with images.


The project, as a whole, would be called Maradona universe and what the star started doing with the October text signing is allowing Morla to sign the contracts. This indeed happened: the company run by Morla, which has several partners and which would also include Maradona, SATTICVA SA, has agreed with Superacción, led by Grosman, the development of Maradona universe. Several letters of intent have been signed. This gave Grosman’s team access to several containers, but above all to one imported from Dubai, in which mountains and mountains of objects and souvenirs accumulate.

An inventory has been made which includes trophies, balls, shirts signed by dozens of players from other countries – for example, Pelé, Stoichov, Ronaldinho, the whole Boca team, Palermo -, Versace pajamas, golden balls, gifts of all kinds and an almost endless amount of photos and videos. There is an inexhaustible source of recent years: videos and audios that Diego sent to many people. He understands one which is sort of ironic of fate: “Aahhhh you thought I was dead, look how good I am,” Diego says in a video recording.


Of course, all these projects are on hold, or rather on hiatus. It will be necessary to see how the succession is defined, although it is also true that the heirs may want to continue with Maradona universe or something similar. The truth is, at least for now, even the items in Beccar’s container are part of the estate.

It is clear to the protagonists of this story that we will have to wait. Grosman’s team is drawn from the world of art and culture and has no intention of getting into the earthquakes of lawsuits and contracts. Therefore, the slogan appears to be unhitch until it is clear. But, in addition, a central change in the content must be marked: it is not the same Maradona universe I live with Diego Maradona universe after death.


There was a relevant instruction that Maradona insisted on over and over again. He wanted all the worlds he lived in to be represented, Hell, Purgatory, Heaven, in the style of the Divine Comedy. And it was said precisely that he did not want in any way to avoid the question of drugs, his partners, his moments of glory and his dramas, his humble origins, his political positions. “I’m not a mask, I want everything to be there, absolutely everything. Let them remember me as I was, not as a pink romance, ”he says.

Maradona after death

The idea of Maradona universe, with the museum and everything, totally changed with the death of Ten. Those who thought about it and began to design it say that there are several phenomena that are developing and that it will be necessary to see how they are directed.

*Maradona of miracles. A cult of Ten emerges, something akin to Gilda. May Maradona heal, may Maradona prophesy, may sanctuaries arise, may ordinary citizens ask her for such and such.

*Maradona the new Che Guevara. We have already seen this in the demonstrations in France, which carried a flag with the image of Maradona. In the new generations, few know Che Guevara and, on the other hand, the Ten appear as the figure of rebellion, a protester against power, a man of codes with the humble. There are already many people who have tattooed the face of the star like before those of Che.

Everything that is done at some point in the project Maradona universe he will have to take into account not only homage, the reflection of life, but these new aspects of veneration.

The other change brought about by Maradona’s death is that the list of targeted countries has changed. From the start, it was believed that projects related to the Ten had no chance of success in countries like Germany, England, Holland and most of Europe except Naples. Neither Brazil, but China, India, Japan, Dubai, Venezuela. However, the death of 10 turned everything upside down: the tributes were impressive and felt everywhere. This will deserve – when they materialize – a new look at the projects.

A long way

There will only be definitions in January and February. During the week that begins Monday, prosecutors investigating Diego Maradona’s death will continue to accumulate evidence – visceral studies, toxicology analyzes, opening cell phones – then hand everything over to medical advice to determine if it there was professional misconduct and negligence. This medical commission could only be convened in the second half of the first month of 2021 or directly in February. Obviously, medico-legal advice will be needed to establish whether the medicine given to Maradona was correct, whether the care for his heart problems was acceptable and whether, in general, what the patient required was done or if he was abandoned to your luck. The table will also include the difficulties that Maradona presented with her resistance to being checked and treated by doctors and nurses.

The medical commission can appoint experts on behalf of the accused – for the moment Leopoldo Luque and the psychiatrist Agustina Cosachov -, but also of the people concerned. Verónica Ojeda already had this role, representing Diego Fernando, the son Ojeda had with El Diez. His partner, Mario Baudry, is the lawyer now acting on his behalf. Dalma and Giannina were accepted on Friday, whose lawyer will be Federico Guntin. But also on the same Friday, the San Isidro Appeals Chamber ruled that Maradona’s sister, Rita Mabel, could be a complainant. The data is that he will be represented by Matías Morla or someone from his study. As we know, the rest of the family denounce Morla, whom they consider responsible for Luque’s actions. Additionally, the lawyer publicly defended Luque by tweeting. He will therefore be a complainant who will be on the side of the accused, including himself.


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