Diet Pegana: what is the new trend to lose weight


Diet Pegana: what is the new trend to lose weight

The pegana diet is a kind of combination of the paleo diet based on foods similar to those that would have existed in the Paleolithic and that usually contain lean beef, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds; and the vegan diet, which excludes all foods of animal origin, including eggs and dairy products.

Thus, the pegana diet gives special importance to fresh foods of plant origin, but also adds organic products of animal origin such as oily fish and meat.

Specifically, 75% of the foods consumed in the Pegana diet are fruits and vegetables. The remaining 25% are healthy meat and fats of animal origin.

Cereals of almost any type (including whole grains) and legumes are prohibited. There are also strong restrictions on dairy products, which are allowed only exceptionally, in small quantities and only if they are organic and come from animals fed exclusively on the herb.

The general recommendation of nutritionists is that we should not remove any food groups from our diet. You just need to know the recommended amounts that our body needs.

It is also the recommendation of the World Health Organization, which on its website defines the percentages and lists of different foods that we should include in our daily consumption.

Despite this, we have witnessed in recent years all kinds of diets based on the restriction of certain food groups.

The aforementioned paleo diet, the controversial ketogenic diet (which bases 75% of its intake on "good" fats and significantly reduces carbohydrates and glucose, thus eliminating the consumption of fruit) or the Atkin hypocaloric diet.

Pros and cons

Some professionals have emphasized the benefits of this diet because it contains many products necessary for a healthy diet, such as vegetables, fruits and proteins. In addition, they point out that processed foods, saturated fats and sugars are eliminated.

But it also prohibits or restricts foods considered fundamental in a balanced diet: carbohydrates, legumes and dairy products.

The British Nutrition Foundation has recently released a new guide in which it lays out the right portions of food for a healthy diet. His recommendations are far from those required by the pegan regime.

Nutritionist Carrie Dennett, who writes for the Washington Post, says the removal of gluten-free cereals such as quinoa, brown rice and oats on the grounds that they can produce auto-friendly foods. immunity is not supported by science.

Another nutritionist, Wesley Delbridge, spokesperson for the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, also sees no need to eliminate legumes such as beans, a "superfood of nature" .

Thus, although nutritionists seem to appreciate the greater variety of foods that allow the pegana diet compared to Paleolithic or vegan, the general recommendation of professionals seems to remain the same: put a little of each food in your daily consumption. .

In any case, if you are or would like to go on a diet, all specialists advise you to do so always under the supervision of a professional.

Source: BBC World

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